Young people and the difficulties faced in negotiating a precarious and exploitative labour market
The operational definition of youth varies widely from country to country but the UN defines youth as the age group between 15 and 24 years old.
Essay Question
Young people are confronted with the difficulties of negotiating a labour market that is precarious and exploitative. There are major difficulties of entry, especially into full-time work in the formal and informal waged economic spheres.
This essay will discuss why young people are two to three times more likely than adults to find themselves unemployed and why the problem is rapidly growing in almost every region of the world. Although young people today are the most educated generation ever, both industrialised and developing countries are failing to increase employment opportunities for them. The lack of opportunities is of course linked to the general state of the economy and employment situation but it is also a result of the mismatches between the skills young people possess and the skills required by the labour market. All of these factors can lead to long periods of unemployment, job seeking or low skilled and precarious work, which are not only detrimental to young people but impact heavily on economies and society in general. (ILO tackling youth unemployment)
Globalisation and technological advances have been changing labour markets around the world. Young workers are facing new challenges in making the transition from school to work (Elizabeth Morris 2003). Globalisation is changing the distribution of power and gains and has raised questions about legitimacy and sustainability. Inadequate attention to the human side of globalisation has created a gap in understanding its impact on life and work (International Labour Office).
The 1980s and 1990s saw the most profound transformation of Australian public
References: Casanova, F Local development, productive network and training, 2004 International Labour Conference, Youth: Pathways to decent work, 2005 International Labour Conference, Resolution concerning youth employment, 2005 http://www.ilo/public/english/standards/relm/ilc/ilc93/pdf/resolutions.pdf United Nations General Assembly, A/RES/55/2, 18 September 2000 Morris Elizabeth, Globalisation and research priorities for labour markets in Southeast asia, 2003) ACCI leading australian business youth employment 2010