The NCVS and the UCR have both positive and negative qualities that have impacted in diverse parts of society. The authors point out that the Uniform Crime Reports Program's essential objective is to give a reliable set of information to criminal justice statistics by law enforcement administration, and in addition to show variances in the level of crime in America. The NCVS obtain and provide data about crimes, victims, offenders, and including those crime that are not reported to the …show more content…
In addition, the NCVS gather the list of offenses covered by the Uniform Crime Reports. Unlikely, the UCR, the National Crime Victimization Surveys obtains and gather information from the victim’s point of view. In order to figure out whether the individual is a victim, and a series of questions are asked. Once the individual is classified as a victim, more definite questions are requested in order to gather as much information as possible to decide the patterns among those crime. In other hand, the author stated that the UCR measures the violent crimes such as robbery, aggravated assault, murder and rape. For property crime, the UCR measures burglary, and motor vehicle theft. Truman and Langton mention that one of the issue that crime is not reported is because a numerous victims don’t contact the police to make an official report. Also, victims might expect that the police can’t or won’t take care of the