Established in 1837, The Procter & Gamble Company began as a small, family operated soap and candle company in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Today, P&G markets almost 300 products to more than five billion consumers in 140 countries, Pakistan being one of them. Procter & Gamble started its operations in Pakistan in 1991 with the goal of becoming the finest global local consumer goods company operating in Pakistan. After extensive research we have come to the conclusion that if we look at the global perspective, Unilever’s biggest competitor is Proctor & Gamble. They offer almost the similar product line and their focus is also on the same type of market. In Asian market, Unilever and P&G cover almost 85% of the market. However things are starting to get tougher for these two giants. Many regional players have sprung up in the last decade and they have managed to establish themselves in their own states and have eaten up a large chunk of Unilever’s and P&G's customers. The products they offer are cheap and largely targeted towards the lower income groups in this country. Unilever has also come out with products in this price category but these products are facing severe competition. Unilever has been witnessing a fall in profits in the last one-year. To combat this onslaught of cost-competitive products, P&G slashed its product prices by