Team C Reflection
Team C will discuss the differences between substantive law, procedural law, criminal law, civil law, common law, and statutory law. We will provide examples of each law and try to discuss what U.S. Constitution amendments were implemented to protect the rights of businesses and organizations.
Civil cases usually involve private disputes between persons or organizations. Criminal cases involve an action considered to be harmful to society as a whole.
A civil case begins when a person or entity (such as a corporation or the government), called the plaintiff, claims that another person or entity (the defendant) has failed to carry out a legal duty owed to the plaintiff. An example of civil cases …show more content…
The proceedings are designed to ensure a fair and consistent application of due process of the law. Predominantly in the Unites States. In the process of procedural law, the rights of the individual or organization may also refer not entirely to the rights to information, rights to fair justice, rights to participation which encompass both general Civil and Political rights. The process has a system of standardization for the means by which cases are brought, all parties are informed, evidence is presented to the parties and courts and the facts that are determined and intended to maximize the fairness the proceeding. Procedural laws deal with dates, times, numbers, and other pertinent aspects of case that must be met in order for the case to proceed according to the law. Procedural laws can be broken down into 2 main categories: 1) criminal, and 2) civil. Procedural laws differ depending on whether a case is tried in federal court or state court. Then, procedural laws differ from jurisdiction to jurisdiction and court to …show more content…
In a criminal court case the process dictates the non-substantive issues relating to prosecuting for a crime. Procedural rules can also specify a statute of limitations for bringing a case, which is a time limitation on filing a civil suit with a court or on prosecuting a crime. A prime example of a procedural law might be the law that says that within 48 hours of detention, a person must be apprised of his or her rights.
Substantive law is one part of the main categories that are within the law. When you talk about substantive law, you are referring to all the categories of public and private law, in which it includes criminal law, real property and torts. This law is found from legislative statutes. Substantive law is what gives all individuals rights, duties and power. For example, when you hear a story or case on a murder, or when someone is being charged or how they are being charged, this all deals with substantive