• A local business • A national business • An international Business • A global business
Your examples MUST include a business in each of the private, public and voluntary sectors.
Your examples MUST include a business in each of the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors.
Your examples MUST include a sole trader, a partnership, a private and public limited company and a government run department or agency
|Name of business and type of |What products or services are provided? |Is it a local, national, |Is it in the public, private |Does it exist to make a profit? |Is it in the primary, secondary |
|ownership | |international or global |or voluntary sector? |What is the extent of its financial |or tertiary Sector? |
| | |business? | |liability? | |
|Tesco | Tesco’s range of products has changed |Tesco is a British global | Tesco is a private company |Yes |Tesco is involved in the tertiary|
|Public limited company. |significantly over the past 10 yrs. It has |businesses it operates in | |Tesco is on the stock market, it |sector, it provides services such|
| |diversified into providing books, clothing and |Europe e.g. Czech Republic | |financially depends on its shareholders|as banking and insurance. |
| |electronic products, banking and insurance and |France Hungary, Poland, | |The ectend of the liability extend to |