Safeguarding Adults and promoting independence
Unit 11
P1 , P2, P3, M1, D1
The types of abuse do vary from each individual and abuse is a violation of an individual’s human and civil rights by any other person or persons. The types of abuse range from physical, sexual, psychological, neglect, financial, discriminatory, bullying, self-harm, institutional, domestic violence.
Physical contact which can be seem as physical abuse depending on certain criteria such as the degree of force and nature and maliciousness behind the action. These can be clear cut assault which can be hitting, slapping, kicking, pushing, which are bullying actions. Sometimes even car workers can cause abuse in institutional care homes and be …show more content…
victims to bruising in various places and it been covered with clothing. Unexplained bruises on face, lips, mouth, body. Also a service user might be victim to other acts cuts, burns, fractures which don’t have a valid explanation. Sometimes this might not even be intended to harm an individual this is usually reflex behaviour when a carer who might lash out to a service user who’s not doing as she/he told.
Sexual abuse ranges from inappropriate touching to rape and in some cases its illegal for care workers to engage in sexual relationships within someone in their care. There lots of catch 22 as some service aren’t aware of the advances of some care workers and might take this as an act of friendship. So hinting at sexual activity in which can be noticed by, torn stained or bloody undergarments, Love bites, finger marks on thighs or arms and even difficulty in sitting or walking this can change a service user and you may notice within their sexual behaviour or outlook.
This can happening to a person to keep them quiet this is done by belittling the person or even put downs and name calling and causes humiliation and loss of self-respect(Empowerment) this is shown in unexplained fear or a defensive barrier, sleep deprivation or even a loss to a positive approach on life. This can even causes emotional withdrawal and even self-harm or signs of depression or stress depending on the emotional abuse been received this is usually bullying, shouting, and threats of intimidation. Also playing mind games with saying ‘our little secret’ or even making promises which can’t be fulfilled can causes someone not to trust and manipulates the person to their own will.
Neglect is usually found when failure to provide proper care and attention, the children there usually clear evidence because they don’t grow and show that they are thriving and maturing. In adults neglect can be self-imposed because of mental health and depression and may be unable to motivate themselves such as the basic needs of washing clothes and themselves and have poor hygiene levels with some individuals. It’s usually seen within the care homes as neglect to take action for a person’s needs is sometimes unseen such as food charts and reports on even hygiene levels of been cleaned. These can be done by family or the own individual who doesn’t want to be helped and doesn’t allow access also a failure to give prescribed medication by the individual or the care workers which can cause a decline in health. Also been able for a service user to be mobile and can have a social life of visitors, phone calls and outings. The main causes within care homes causes most adults to be malnutrition and there physical condition decrease as well as state of wellbeing of having food , heating and lighting which are the basic needs of everyone(Maslow’s hierarchy of needs)
Financially service users can be abused as they are more fragile and sometimes don’t have direct contact with their finances such as bank accounts, pensions and even personal money, this is usually when a person is receiving home care, they might leave their wallet and purse on the side and the service might just put it down to a bad memory. Usually this is mobility restriction which causes home care in some cases but it can be seen by family members as well in expressing sudden interest with personal money and can be noticed by unusual bank activity which police can be notified. When this happens a person has a power of attorney to deal with the money on the person behalf so things such as E.g. Deeds on a house have been changed doesn’t occur.
This abuse covers most bases and usually because of skin colour, ethnicity, gender, age, disability, health status, religion and can happen anyway such as E.g. a older person usually get more burglaries as their senses aren’t as good and are easy prey. Also choices based on which other companies and individuals because a person’s ability or needs made because of race, sex and their disability.
Lots of different factors can lead to abusive situations for adults such as low wages if an adult doesn’t earn enough money they might be susceptible to financial abuse as they can’t afford bills or even a decent standard of living and in turn this might make their self-esteem go down and even become depressed and lead to self-harming abuse. Also if an elderly person is in a residential home situations can arise every day because these people are in a vulnerable state and there is higher chance of abuse, it been neglect or something else such as loss of empowerment and dignity which can occur if staff haven’t been trained properly and don’t meet people needs or E.g. covering someone up when cleaning or even giving them control over their own life. If someone has a high level of dependency they usually rely on government or private care which helps them day to day and if someone is left for hours E.g. for been taking for a bath or toilet which a carer is needed this can caught distress and affect hygiene standards which affects the individual mentally and this is abuse in the form of not attending a person’s physical needs.
Also within any care setting things which can lead to abusive situation if not prevented as mentioned earlier about staff training and if the staff which isn’t trained properly are more likely not to follow the code of conduct as they haven’t been showed or don’t understand why its important to follow proper procedure E.g. not using a slide sheet for a service user when moving them up the bed instead of manually under arm lift which if manual handling training is done which shows proper technique for moving someone who might have some form of back injury. Also if a service user hasn’t got personal person care plan which a care plan centred around that person to meet all needs and sometimes with certain service users who might have E.g. reduced mobility, a mental disability Alzheimer’s, certain financial and personal criteria. That a carer or service provider has to follow these to letter because if it’s not followed properly it’s not meeting all the persons needs and thus that the care plan isn’t effective and not been followed so causing the service user abuse because their needs aren’t been met and there general quality of life is put down because the reason for a care plan is for the service user to get the best possible quality of life in their current state.
A care centred plan is needed for people who are most vulnerable and that’s why if there not followed through it’s an issue that leads to abuse, in person care centred plans communication is a big factor because all professional physicians come together to make a care plan for the individual if communication breaks down and issues aren’t sorted E.g. Occupational health wanting to get the service user equipment but needs a doctor’s note and physiotherapist consolation.
I’m going to look at how abuse and neglect are a major impact on how it affects the wellbeing of an adult it’s usually have a long term effect on the wellbeing of adults.
Stress is a potential long term effect can affect things such as chest pains; angina, heart problems, HBP, breathing problems, stomach problems and panic attacks are quite common with older people with high stress caused by different forms of abuse such as financial and social. Abuse has different impacts depending on age and circumstances but usually older adults are the most vulnerable because of physical strength and less physical resilience of taking abuse willingly. They can be frail or have disabilities or impairments that usually leave a adult very vulnerable. E.g. someone with brittle bones as they get older the easier they are to break and take longer to heal. If accumulation of injuries happens they can lead to death or long term …show more content…
These kind of scenarios usually happen to adults who are isolated because the individual people who abuse or neglect the older adults tend to threaten, intimidate or harass them in their weaken state.
E.g. Person within their family as leverage by saying they won’t be allow to visit or that no one cares about them, which lowers self-esteem and can lead to depression or anxiety. But because other care workers might not see the service users on a regular basis these are usually mistaken signs for memory loss or a illness when it’s because of abuse. Also it could be down to the actually service user because of feeling embarrassed or that it’s their fault they are in the
The sign of long term effects are seen in the service users with eating less and sometimes drink more alcohol or take more medications to cope with the mental and emotional and physical side of been hurt. It takes a toll on sleeping as it may be inadequate or too much sleep and having no motivation to do any kind of activities which some adults become withdrawn and depressed and have thoughts towards taking their own life because it’s seen as a way out. Living with any form of abuse or neglect causes a massive increase in an early death be about 7 years.
Finically the effect of abuse of an older adult usually has a negative output on the health and wellbeing because it usually coincides with emotional abuse. Financial abuse can lead to on-going distress and the financial strain of having stolen or forged income cheques can leave a low-income without any money for entertainment, food, medications and even transportation. In extreme cases the loss of a home or personal assets via service providers who may deceit or thieve. Usually a power of attorney deal with financial matters if the individual isn’t fit enough or hasn’t got the mental capacity but with having the power they can inflict some form of abuse via theft.
It even go as far as controlling behaviour and abusers control service users to give them their pension or control their property or personal bank accounts.
This ties in which social effect on the individual because of having abuse in many forms and more than one at once it can have a knock on effect as someone who’s young might see abuse and view that as acceptable thing to do. It does affect individuals, their families, communities and anyone involved or around the environment. In the UK in 2010 there was 96,000 alleged abuse cases reported and that’s the reported ones because people tend to think that it isn’t important to report small or uncommon matters.(BBC NEWS) usually the factors are in the changes in staffing and training( Communitycare)
The potential long term effects can cause poor hygiene because they don’t have the willpower or the self-respect because of abuse to say or do anything about it, such as bathing, changing and washing clothes. It’s a strong indicate the individual is suffering from and with depression. It also could be changes in behaviour and some people may notice the lack of self-esteem of no longer valuing themselves or having abrupt mood swings of been jolly and then to self-loathing and depressed which is a sign of someone been abused.
Also answering question in a submissive manner and makes no body or facial language and usually agrees to everything which is a clear sign of someone who’s become passive because of someone been forceful within their life.
There signals to show if an older adult is been abused or neglect by using attention seeking behaviour or doing physical gestures for attention such as soiling themselves and becoming erratic or argumentative. Factors such as does the service user change body language or be more withdrawn if a certain person enters the room.