Chapter 30
1. List the topics of conversation that took place at the Potsdam Conference. The conference which U.S. President Harry Truman insisted that Stalin immediately allow free elections in the eastern European states under Red Army occupation.
2. What was the goal of the Truman Doctrine? The goal of the Truman Doctrine was to contain communism in areas liberated by the Red Army.
3. Describe Ludwig Erhard efforts to foster economic growth. In order to foster economic growth, the German Minister of the Economy Ludwig Erhard emphasized free market capitalism.
4. Describe the Soviet Union after World War II: Politically, Socially and Economically. After World War II, the Soviet Union returned to the totalitarianism of the 1930s.
5. What was discussed by the Big Three at Tehran in 1943? In November 1943 the Big Three met in Teheran to discuss the shape of the postwar world.
6. Describe the result of French decolonization in sub-Saharan Africa. French decolonization in sub-Saharan Africa enhanced economic and cultural ties with former colonies.
7. Why was Khrushchev ousted from leadership by Conservative party figures? Conservative party figures ousted Khrushchev from the Soviet leadership because of all of the following: Stalin's former henchmen feared that Khrushchev's de-Stalinization campaign would ultimately reach them, Khrushchev's 1958 failure to force the NATO allies out of West Berlin, Khrushchev's humiliation in the Cuban missile crisis of 1962, and de-Stalinization ultimately threatened the party's monopoly on political power.
8. Identify: The Manhattan Project The Manhattan Project was responsible for the development of the atomic bomb.
9. When did the Jews in Palestine proclaim the state of Israel? Jews in Palestine proclaimed the state of Israel when the British withdrew from Palestine in 1948.
10. Identify: The Treaty of Rome The European Common Market was created by the Treaty of Rome.
11. What characterized the youth counterculture of the late 1950s and 1960s? The youth counterculture of the late 1950s and 1960s was characterized by all of the following: experimentation with communal living, unconventional sexual behavior, new artistic styles, and anger at the injustices of racism and imperialism.
12. In regards to Vietnam, what did Richard Nixon do following his election to the U.S. presidency in 1968? Following his election to the U.S. presidency in 1968, Richard Nixon gradually reduced American involvement in the Vietnam War.
13. Describe what started the changes in the structure of European society after World War II. Changes in the structure of European society after World War II were primarily the result of economic and technological transformation.
14. What event almost toppled de Gaulle’s Fifth Republic? The wave of social unrest that almost toppled de Gaulle's Fifth Republic was begun by students.
15. Which Republic was established in France in 1958? In 1958, General de Gaulle established the Fifth Republic in France.
16. Why did the middle class grow in the postwar era? The growth of the middle class in the postwar era has been attributed primarily to increased demand for technologists and managers.
17. What factors contributed to the leveling of European society? The leveling of European society was a product of all of the following: social welfare programs, a rising standard of living and standardized consumer good, higher taxes on the rich, and high demand by government and corporations for technologists and managers.
18. Approximately what percentage of persons in the West educated in science and technology were involved in weapons production in the postwar era? one-fourth
19. Describe the Czechoslovak reform movement of 1968. What did the reformers want? The leaders of the Czechoslovak reform movement of 1968 attempted to make communism more humane.
20. Describe Gandhi’s nonviolent “noncooperation.” In the 1920s and 1930s, Gandhi built a mass movement in India preaching nonviolent "noncooperation."
21. Identify: The Helsinki agreement of 1975. The Helsinki agreement of 1975 called for respect for human rights and the recognition of existing political boundaries.
22. Describe Mao Zedong’s 5,000 mile march in 1931. In 1931, with Guomindang armies closing in on him, Mao Zedong led his followers on a 5,000 mile march.
23. Which imperialist country was defeated in 1954 by Ho Chi Minh forces? In 1954, the French were defeated by the forces of Ho Chi Minh.
24. Identify: The misery index. The misery index is a measurement that combines inflation and unemployment rates.
25. What event in Egypt provoking a military conflict with France and Britain in 1956? In 1956, Gamal Abdel Nasser nationalized the Suez Canal Company provoking a military conflict with France and Britain.
26. Identify: the purpose of the Brezhnev Doctrine. According to the Brezhnev Doctrine, the Soviet Union had the right to intervene in any socialist country whenever it saw the need.
27. Who founded the National Organization for Women? The founder of the National Organization for Women was Betty Friedman.
28. Identify: Simone de Beauvior. Simone de Beauvoir was an influential author in the postwar feminist movement.
29. How did Ronald Reagan and the U.S. Congress deal with the economy from 1981 to 1989? Between 1981 and 1989, Ronald Reagan and the U.S. Congress cut taxes and ballooned the government deficit.
30. List the Common goals of the women’s movement. Common goals of the women's movement included all of the following eliminating discrimination in the workplace, legislation to legalize abortion and divorce, support for programs to help single parents, and support for affordable day care.
Chapter 31
31. Which of the Eastern bloc countries was the only one that responded to the pro-democracy movement of 1989 with bloody repression? The only Eastern bloc country that responded to the prodemocracy movement of 1989 with bloody repression was Romania.
32. Describe Russia under the Brezhnev. What changed? The Brezhnev era in the Soviet Union appeared stable for all of the following reasons the coercive apparatus of the state and party, the nationalism of ordinary Great Russians, a gradually rising standard of living, and access to special stores, travel abroad, and other privileges for elites. The Brezhnev era witnessed all of the following changes, the growth of the urban population, rapid expansion in the number of highly trained specialists, the growth of Soviet public opinion, and participation of leading Soviet scientists and professionals in international communities of their disciplines.
33. How did Poland differ from the other Eastern bloc states? Poland differed from the other Eastern bloc states because of its independent agriculture and vigorous church.
34. List the demands of the workers at the Lenin Shipyards in Gdansk. The workers at the Lenin Shipyards in Gdansk demanded all of the following: the right to form free labor unions, economic reforms, freedom of speech, and the release of political prisoners.
35. List Gorbachev’s reforms. Gorbachev's reforms included all of the following: freer prices, more independence for state enterprises, the establishment of profit seeking private cooperatives, and a relaxation of state censorship.
36. Besides perestroika and glasnost, the earliest part of Gorbachev’s reform campaign in the U.S.S.R focused on what vices? The earliest part of Gorbachev's reform campaign in the U.S.S.R. featured antialcoholism and anticorruption drives.
37. Which of the Eastern bloc became the first nation in the revolution of 1989 to elect a non-communist leader? In the revolutions of 1989, the first state to elect a noncommunist leader was Poland.
38. List the problems that European states in the early twenty-first century face. According to the text, European societies in the early twenty-first century face all of the following problems: declining birthrates, aging of the population, a large influx of refugees from civil wars inside Europe, and illegal immigration.
39. What is the usual fate of privatized companies in post-Soviet Russia? Privatized companies in post-Soviet Russia usually ended up in the hands of former Soviet managers and bureaucrats.
40. List the reasons, according to the text, that the economic “shock therapy” in Russia worked poorly. According to the text, economic "shock therapy" in Russia worked poorly for all of the following reasons: transformation of state-owned monopolies into private monopolies, runaway inflation, distribution of subsidies by the Yeltsin government, and tendency of the Russian managerial elite to form close ties with criminal elements to intimidate rivals.
41. Is there a connection between terrorism and civil war? Terrorism and civil war have gone hand-in-hand since the beginning of the twentieth century.
42. Identify: The Solidarity movement. The Solidarity movement of the 1980s was led by Lech Walesa.
43. Western nations joined forces with which Afghani section in the 2001 attack on the Taliban and al-Qaeda? Western nations joined forces with the Afghani Northern Aliance in the 2001 attack on the Taliban and al-Qaeda.
44. Identify: The Maastricht treaty of 1991 The Maastricht treaty of 1991 set up a plan for creating a European monetary union with a single currency.
45. Why did the attempted coup by the communist old guard in the Soviet Union in August 1991 fail? The attempted coup by the communist old guard in the Soviet Union in August 1991 failed because of massive popular resistance, rallied around Boris Yeltsin.
46. According to the text, what do many European intellectuals see Europe’s mission in the twenty-first century as? According to the text, many European intellectuals see Europe's mission in the twenty-first century as promoting human rights, democracy, and prosperity outside Europe.
47. List the hated aspects of bin Laden and like-minded “holy warriors.” During their struggle against the Soviet Union, bin Laden and like-minded "holy warriors" developed a hatred of all of the following: the Saudi monarchy, the dictatorship of Saddam Hussein, most existing Arab governments, and the government of Egypt.
48. What did The Gulf War reveal? The Gulf War clearly revealed American preeminence as the only remaining superpower.
49. What was the Bush administration’s feeling about the new Security Council resolution accepting the return of weapon inspectors to Iraq in 2002? In 2002, the Bush administration refused to be part of new Security Council resolutions requiring Iraq to accept the return of weapons inspectors.
50. In 1997, which three countries were accepted to membership in NATO? Poland, Hungary, and Czech Republic
51. List the resulting factors of the successful reform movement in Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic. The successful reform movements in Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic resulted from all of the following factors: considerable experience with limited market reforms before 1989, flexibility in government policy, the enthusiastic embrace of capitalism by a new, rising entrepreneurial class, and the desire to fulfill the requirements for entering NATO.
52. What occurred to government and hospital buildings in the days after the collapse of Saddam’s dictatorship? In the days after the collapse of Saddam's dictatorship, British and American troops turned a blind eye to looting of government buildings and hospitals.
53. Identify: Greater Serbia Slobodan Milosevic's plan, which hastened separatism and civil war in Yugoslavia, was known as Greater Serbia.
54. Which event finally galvanized NATO action against the Bosnian Serbs? The event which finally galvanized NATO action against the Bosnian Serbs was the slaughter of several thousands of citizens in Srebrenica.
55. What is the decline of western European birthrates is due to? The text argues that the decline of western European birthrates is due to the entrance of married women into careers and the related drive for gender equality.
56. How many illegal immigrates entered the European Union between 1993 and 2003? It is estimated that between 1993 and 2003, illegal immigration into the European Union rose from 50,000 to about 500,000 persons per year.
57. How did Gorbachev’s action in Poland and Hungary show a clear repudiation of the Brezhnev doctrine? Gorbachev's encouragement of reform movements in Poland and Hungary was a repudiation of the Brezhnev doctrine.
58. Describe the opposition of the Maastricht treaty. Opposition to the Maastricht treaty was based on all of the following considerations: resentment against the proliferation of EU regulations and large bureaucracy, fear of undermining national sovereignty, the belief that ordinary people would pay for monetary union by reduced social services, and fear of undermining popular control of government through national elections.
59. Identify: The Velvet Revolution. Czechoslovakia’s Velvet Revolution ousted the communist government from power.
60. Identify: the Paris Accord. The Paris Accord of 1990 was a general peace treaty that brought an end to World War II and the cold war.