(4.1) Identify the laws and codes of practice affecting work in school
* United Nations Convention of the Right of the child act (1989) * Inclusion code of practice * Health and safety at work act (1974) * Children’s act – Every Child Matters (2004) * Freedom of Information act (2000)
(4.2) Describe how each one promotes pupil wellbeing and achievement
The UNCRC of 1989 was signed by all countries apart from the USA and Somalia and entitles children to forty rights. This promotes pupil wellbeing as it states they have the ‘right to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health’ (article 24) and promotes achievement as it states that all children are entitled to institutions, services and facilities which ‘conform with the standards established by competent authorities’ (article 3) meaning they should be given the highest possible standards of care and education and are also entitled to express their concerns if any of they feel any of their rights are breached which is made clear with the ‘right to express and have their views taken into account on all matters that affect them’ (article 12).
The Inclusion code of practice promotes pupil wellbeing and achievement as it gives all children equal opportunities and complies with laws such as the Disability Discrimination act (1995) and the Human Rights act (1998) enabling children of any race, gender, ethnicity, religion, social surroundings or political opinion to have access to education.
The Health and Safety at Work act of 1974 is important in schools because it ensures that staff and pupils all are all provided a healthy and safe working and learning environment by the people running the school and that teachers initiate this act by ensuring children understand safety procedures such as fire drills and are given the correct aid in the instance of accident. This promotes wellbeing as it provides guidelines of which to avoid