1.1 Analyse the role and use of initial and diagnostic assessment in agreeing individual learner goals
During my role as a trainer it is important that each new learner has a starting point from where to commence the training. This can be found by the use of initial assessment procedure.
Initial assessment is a vital link to the learning process, it is a formal and informal process that identifies each learners starting point. It helps to identify learner’s current levels of ability and their need for support in functional skills and personal and social skills. This is the time where I will get to learn my learner, every learner has to start somewhere.
Initial assessment it provides a chance to assess my learner’s current knowledge and experience and will enable me to ensure the learner is enrolled on the correct course to suit their needs.
During this initial assessment process I can find out if the learner has any individual needs they may have and the support that may be required and ascertain the learning preference if there is one. The Equality Act (2010) stipulates that education providers are legally obliged to make reasonable adjustments in order to help learners with disabilities participate and achieve in education.
It is not just about me though, the learning process should be based around the learner and this initial assessment stage will allow the learner to indulge any concerns or worries about the course.
Using this initial approach and by being proactive I can then help me to plan the course to suit the learners needs and requirements. By using initial assessment I can then begin to lay the foundations for my learners learning journey. Ann Gravells and Susan Simpson state in Passing Ctlls Assessment (2011) initial assessment can also be useful in establishing preferred learning styles.
Learning styles are based on individual ability and desire to learn, the three main learning styles are visual, auditory and