Within a health and social care setting; quality, quality assurance and accountability are crucial factors that require both the service provider and all employees to ensure exceptional delivery of care to the service user. Legislative and non-legislative requirements improve the working practices of all employees who work within a supported learning environment by adhering to policies and procedures within the setting.
Relevant Legislative requirements:
The Regulation of Care (Scotland) Act 2001:
Has ensured a system of care regulation in Scotland. The purpose of the Act was to provide greater protection for vulnerable people requiring care services. The Care Commission (which is now known as Social Care …show more content…
General Teaching Council - Head Teachers have the responsibility to demonstrate that their school and ultimately their teachers are performing to the necessary standard set by the General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTCS). Can be achieved by self-evaluation and continual professional development. This also helps ensure that teachers are complying to the Standard of Full Registration (SFR), and for teachers in their probationary period the Standard of Initial Teacher Education (SITE).
Disclosure Scotland - People who work with vulnerable groups have to register with the Protecting Vulnerable Groups Scheme (PVG Scheme) from Disclosure Scotland. Reviewing an individual who is registering can highlight if the person has any cautions or convictions or who are deemed a risk and unsuitable to work with children or vulnerable