The expected social stage of social development for a 4 year old is that they are more aware to talk to new people; the children are more friendly and caring towards others. Children are a lot more confident in these ages. Children are more understanding and can engage in a conversation. Also understand how to share and co operates with one another. According to this website: http://www.greatschools.org/special-education/health/724-developmental-milestones-ages-3-through-5.gs (11/05/2011) children show anger verbally instead of physically. Children understand the concept of past present and future. Tassoni, P (2007) page 43 explains how children are more affectionate towards family, friends and carers.
The expected social stage of development for a five year old is that he she is very co operative. Engages in conversation, A 5 year old can speak clearly and use different connectives properly in a sentence. Children can also choose their own friends. Meggitt, C (2004) Page 86 explains how children ask about abstract words (for instance, what does “beyond” mean?) http://www.education.com/reference/article/Ref_Social_Emotional_End/ according to this website by the end of 5 years children want to please friends, agree to rules , likes singing, dancing and acting children are more independent are like to do things alone.
At my placement the teacher was observing a child, she was writing a written commentary, the child had problems holding a pencil in the correct way. While I was observing the teacher I realized she would write everything that he would do for example, the child picked up the pencil, which fingers he put the pencil in between, how much pressure he used while holding the pencil, which hand he rights with, how fast he rights in a specific amount of time etc. the observer should right as much as they can , the observer should right clearly and use good vocabulary, according to Tassoni, P (2007)