1: Describe the key features of effective communication with children, young people and adults.
In order for communication to be effective children, young people and adults need to find us approachable. We should use positive body language- smiling, friendly manner, make eye contact and keep arms unfolded. One way we can communicate better with children is to get down to their level when talking to them by either sitting in a chair or kneeling/crouching down. We need to build a mutual trust with those we are communicating with, listening and taking them seriously, showing them we respect their views and opinions. Children especially need to feel what they have to say is important (as long as it is appropriate) therefore showing them the importance of listening to each other as well.
For effective communication our mood needs to be kept consistent, despite personal issues or feelings, we shall remain approachable, calm and friendly yet firm when the need arises. Consistency is important and this includes any boundaries for discipline or behaviour expectations.
In order to communicate effectively we need to understand that children and young people have different styles of learning and this can affect the way in which we teach them something or help aid their learning. There are three different learning styles – Visual- Seeing, Auditory- listening, and Kinaesthetic- doing or moving. When working one-one with a child we can develop an understanding of their individual learning style and encourage learning by providing resources or tasks which suit their needs e.g. for a kinaesthetic learner we could provide flash cards or objects for counting. When delivering learning to a group of children we need to meet the learning styles of all pupils so would make sure we incorporate them all.
Active listening is very important when communicating with adults, children and young people. This involves us responding in the right places and when there is a need