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Unit 205: Evidence covered: Outcome 5 5.1, 5.2 1. Write a short assignment describing why schools have policies and procedures.

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Unit 205: Evidence covered: Outcome 5 5.1, 5.2 1. Write a short assignment describing why schools have policies and procedures.
Unit 205: Evidence covered: Outcome 5 5.1, 5.2

1. Write a short assignment describing why schools have policies and procedures.

Policies and procedures are a legal requirement within all organisations and this includes schools. All schools must meet all current legislation which provides clear guidelines to governors, all school staff, parents and all other individuals who are involved with running the school. These policies and procedures should regularly be reviewed and updated as and when required.

Due to the large number of policies involved in successfully running a school, it is important that copies of all policies are available to all staff and that they are able to access these policies as and when required.

2. Give some examples of policies and procedures that relate to the following:
a. Staff b. Pupil welfare c. Teaching and learning (part 1)


a) Staff
Administration of Medication in School Policy
Complaints Policy and Procedures
Emergency Procedure Policy
Environment and Energy Policy
Expressing a Concern: Note to parent policy
Inset Policy
Pay Policy
Performance Management in Schools Policy
Recruitment Policy (teaching staff)
Security in School Policy
Staff Development Opportunity Policy and Procedures


b) Pupil welfare
Admission Policy
Anti-bullying Policy
Asthma Policy
Attendance Policy
Behaviour and Discipline Policy
Child Protection Policy and Procedures
Collective Worship Policy
Equality of Opportunity Policy
Health and Safety Policy
Inclusion Statement and Accessibility Plan Policy
Personal, Social and Health Education and Citizenship Policy
Safeguarding Children Policy
Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development Policy
Whole School Health Eating Policy

Give some examples of policies and procedures that relate to the following:
a. Staff b. Pupil welfare c. Teaching and learning (part 2)


c) Teaching and learning
Art and Design Policy
Assessment, Recording and Reporting Policy
Charging Policy
Design and Technology Policy
Early years education policy
English Policy
Geography Policy
History Policy
Home-child-school Agreement Policy
Homework Policy
Information, Communication and Technology Policy
Internet Access Policy
Mathematics Policy
More Able Children Policy
Music Policy
Physical Education Policy
Religious Education Policy
Sex and Relationship Education Policy
Science Policy
Special Educational Needs and Disability Policy
Teaching and Learning Policy
Visual Display Policy

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