CACHE Level 3 Diploma in Playwork (DPW)
Unit 3 Managing the Playwork Provision
E2 Identify methods of monitoring and evaluating the performance of all staff We are all individuals working together to build a better play environment. There are many different points of views among us and everyone needs an opportunity to express their views. In order to facilitate this we have many discussions and debates where everyone can be heard. We have a monthly meeting that all staff attend. Every month this meeting is chaired by a different individual to ensure balance and allow different management styles to be tried. We have in place Performance Appraisals which aim to gauge each individual’s performance and measure that against play values and the required government standard. Our aim is to deliver an excellent level of service. We have aims, objectives and targets which must be met, and we use these to measure how successful the service we are providing is. We also have ‘one to one’ feedback sessions which use self evaluation and performance indicators to give staff an idea of how they are performing and how they can improve. These sessions also allow management to provide staff with specific help in areas they need. They also enable managers and playworkers to get to know each other better. Another management tool we use is SWOT Analysis (strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats). This allows us to find out which playworkers are most suitable for which tasks. To maintain fairness among staff we also learn which playworkers need help in specific areas so that certain members of staff do not always end up doing certain tasks. This ensures that the team is working efficiently and to its best capability. In order to keep up with changes in the laws and play regulations we encourage our staff to attend as many courses as possible. This