For this I have chosen a cafeteria at my college, in this cafeteria many kids have lunch daily except for weekends.
| |What kind of potential harm could be cause by this: |
|1st |This could cause the death of many children if there was a sudden fire in the building, if those |
|I have found the fire exit door blocked by wet |children ran to the fire exit door and couldn’t open it due to something blocking they would have to|
|floor plastic signs. |run back into the fire and could possibly die. |
|2nd |This could cause someone to slip with a hot drink and burn themselves or it could also cause someone|
|I found a spillage in the middle of dining |to slip and fall onto a chair or a table and seriously injure themselves. |
|tables. | |
|3rd |This would not cause as much harm to the children but it would put them off of eating the food and |
|I saw a dining lady with no hat on and also |also if the lady’s hair dropped in the food it would not be very hygienic. It could also cause the |
|dirty hands. |children to have stomach ache and also sickness and diarrhoea. |
|4th |This can be very dangerous because if the window broke and there were children around it they could |
|I found a cracked window which looked close to |get serious injuries. It could brake by the strength of wind or something being thrown into which |