I think that solar panels would be the most effective in my area. Solar panels are best used in sunny areas, and in Arizona it is mostly always sunny. Solar panels are used popularly now in my area, on almost every other house. They are cost efficient, so they save people money on things like A/C. 2. Of the alternative energy sources you learned about in Lesson 1, which one do you think should be used the most in the rest of the world, and why? If you think a mix of different alternative energy sources is the best option, tell which combination of energy sources you think the world should use and why. Talk about the environmental impact of your choice and why your choice is better than the other alternatives. (4-8 sentences. 6.0 points)
I think that the rest of the world should use Hydroelectricity. Everywhere in the world has damns and water. Hydro powers main downside is the effects it can have on different marine life, but if this kind of energy source was used by the rest of the world we can easily fix or help fish/salmon. Hydro power is a better source than nuclear power which releases radioactive waste into the environment.
3. List at least five ways in which you could or already do conserve energy in your daily life. (Complete sentences are not necessary. 3.0 points)
1. I used front opening washer and dryers.
2. I could turn off light and computers when I am not using them.
3. I could walk to work instead of getting a ride
4. I could insulate my home better, it’s always hotter in one part then another, so we use more a/c
5. I could