There are lots of changes going in the technology nowadays and it is good for the digital graphics. There are devices coming out in market every 6 months having some new features in it. Mobile phones, printer and cameras have taken the digital graphics on the next level.
Mobile phone:
Mobile phones have become one of the things humans are addicted to wherever your eyes can reach you will see people on their mobile phones. Now the technology has been so furthered that the mobile phones have cameras so you can take picture of whatever you like and then you can edit it for your graphic image. There are mobile phones with good megapixels which can capture the best pictures.
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already know if you want something good and better than you will have to spend some money and the mobile phones are not that cheap as previously it used to cost about £10- £50 now if you go to buy a phone you can get a phone which has camera but you will not be able to find a good phone with good camera and mega pixels. Mobile phones have changed so much that it has drastically effected the digital graphics in a positive way.
Printer has also changed in these years. First it used to be only black and white printer which where not too accurate but nowadays as the technology is taking a new step everyday there are so many colour printers available in the markets where you can go and buy it. Printers also play an important role in the world of digital graphics. Back in the years the printers used to be very big and very hard to carry and nowadays the printer is so small in size that you can carry by yourself. Now you can add the printer through wireless but back in the days you would have to join it with the help of wires so you can see how much changes have been made to the printers. There is variety range of printers available in the market you can choose it if you want a cheaper one or costly one. The printers have been changed so much that not only papers you can even print a product from a printer using a 3D printer which is the latest printer in the market.
Monitor is basically the head of the computer where all of the information or the data is displayed. It is the place where you will be able to see your graphic image displayed. Monitors have also developed so much that the size of the monitors have decreased and back in the days the monitors used to be so big and it used to be black and white while nowadays the size of the monitor has decreased and there are colour monitors available in the market. The black and white monitors used the green colour which was harmful for the user but nowadays there are no problems. Similar to the printer there are variety of the monitors available in the market from the cheaper to the costly one you can choose which one you want and buy it and it is not that heavy because the monitors nowadays are easy to carry.
As you can see in this task I have already evaluated the impact of output media products development which is developing days by days. There is surely more technology which will be a positive effect on the world of digital graphics.
Unit 30 Digital Graphics
D2 Discuss the impact that file format, compression techniques, image resolution and colour depth have on file formats
In this task I am going discuss the impact that file format, compression techniques, image resolution and colour depth have on file format.
I have used Adobe Photoshop to create and edit the graphic images. This software has more advanced tools and techniques. It is not free you can use it for free for the first month and then you will have to buy it so not everybody can afford it. I have learnt more about digital graphics when I was using this software as I have new stuff from this software. I have created 4 posters using this software. There are so many tools which are handful such as shapes which allows you to add shapes in your posters and many more. You can also choose the image resolution and the size of the poster when you are using this software.
Image viewer: Image viewer is another software which I have used to view the image when I was creating the posters. It shows me any image saved with any file format. The best thing about the image viewer is that you do not have to buy it. It comes with the windows itself.
As I have already mentioned that the Photoshop has variety of tools available for the user to use and which helps them to create a good poster. There are some of the features like magic wand which helps you edit the picture and only keeps what you want. There is other feature in Photoshop which is shapes which allows you to insert shapes in your poster so it can look good. There is also other feature of text available and you can add text to your poster.
Not only software I have also used hardware which made my work easier. I have used monitor which displayed my poster on the screen so I have an idea how my poster does looks when displayed on the screen. The other hardware I used was mouse which helped me selecting tools and to edit the posters.
File format:
The most important part of digital graphics is the way how it has been saved and what file format has been used to save it because file format can make a huge difference in the poster. Bitmap graphic file formats are being used in my poster for the good quality of the posters. JPEG is one of the best file format in the Photoshop which maintains the quality of the image and does not make it blurry. So if you select appropriate file format it will not affect the resolution of the image.
Bitmap file format:
It is used to store the raster digital graphics. It can hold large file and does not even effect the quality of the poster but there can be on problem by using this bitmap file format it can take more space in the computer.
The other file format I have used is JPEG so I can save my image with good quality because it does effect the resolution of the poster and also this file format is mostly used when the image or poster is going to be used for websites. It is small in size so it does not take a lot of space but in the JPEG image when you zoom in the image will become blurry that is the only disadvantage in this file format.
GIF (Graphics interchange format)
GIF file format is used when the image needs to be moved or it is usually used for animation for the websites. It is quicker to load and the quality of the image is not good as JPEG it produces the average quality.
Image resolution:
For Digital Graphics image resolution is one of the important thing a user should bare in mind when creating the posters. The higher the resolution the higher the quality of image. Whereas if you have a low resolution picture than the image which it will produce will have a low quality. When using Photoshop, you are allowed to choose the resolution for your poster. You can select pixels per inch to select the quality for your image.
Colour depth:
Colour depth is important while creating any type of graphic. Photoshop enables the user to have the control of the colour depth in the form of image in bits. Storage can be effected by the size of the image. 32 colour depth is good to use and produces the good quality of the image.
Compression techniques: There are two types of compression techniques
1. Lossless
2. Lossy
Lossless compression allows you to get the original picture once the image has been compressed. It is small sized pictures so that the storage of your computer is not taken too much. Lossy compression does not allow the user to get the original image once it has been compressed. It has large file so it obviously takes more space from your computer and as you already know large files takes longer to load up and also slows down the computer.
In this task I have already discussed and justified the file formats, image resolution, and colour depth and compression techniques.