There are many settings where children can play. I am going to identify three of these settings.
1) A crèche.
2) An after school club.
3) An infant school.
For these play settings, they are set for particular ages and for children who may need them. Also each setting has a stage of play; I am going to explain the stage of play, age and why children go to them for.
It is mainly for children aged six weeks to three years. It is a setting which will teach children different skills through plays like shapes, colours, and some numbers, which is appropriate for the age. It’s for children who may develop quicker from getting taught from early years. In a crèche, the stages of play which may occur in this setting can be associative and parallel. Associative play is based in the years of 2 and a half years-4 years. This is when children are aware of others and start to join in. Parallel play is based in the years of 18 months to 2 years. Parallel play is when children play alongside each other.
Infant schools
Infant’s schools are mainly in the age of three to seven years, eleven months. It is a setting which is the start of the school and they are for children to learn better through play like colouring in the lines, for example. This is for all children as it is set by the government from the age from 5 to 16 years all children must have an education, from the children’s rights in the UK. The stage of play for this setting is mainly co-operative play. Co-operative play based in the years of four years and onwards. Co-operative play is making friends and interacting with others. Also when children get to primary school, children show a gender preference in their play.
After school club
They can start for children as young as five years and onwards. It is a place where children can learn any type of skills through play from copying others who are more developed than themselves, so they may develop more quickly. This is mainly for people who