Even from an early age, children’s choices, even simple ones, can have an impact on their life chances and outcomes such as choosing which toys to play with at pre-school or which friends to play with, a child may develop a friendship with another child who is perhaps a bit louder and boisterous and may display unwanted behaviour, this choice of friend may have a negative impact on the child's behaviour at home or in other settings they move onto. Whilst the child has the right to choose their friends, it is the practitioner responsibility to involve the child in setting expectations of their behaviour and help them to make a positive contribution, which is one of the outcomes of the Every Child Matters (ECM) framework. According to Tassoni (2010) the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) clearly states that a curriculum for children under five years should be balanced of adult-led and child-initiated activities; an environment needs to be rich in resources and displayed in such a way that the children can determine their own play.…