1. 40 acres and a mule- were essentials promised to freed slaves after the civil war
2. Emancipation proclamation- freed slaves in the CSA, so did not affect slavery in the border states; allowed blacks to join Union Army
3. Sharecropping- is a system of agriculture in which a landowner allows a tenant to use the land in return for a share of the crops produced on the land
4. Reconstruction Act of 1867- South would be divided into 5 military states; acceptance of the 14th amendment; New state constitutions could not abridge voting of any males
5. 13th amendment- abolition of slavery in all US
6. 14th amendment- all people born in US are citizens; states must provide ‘equal protection of the laws;” disqualified former confed. leader; penalized states with the loss of representation, if any member is denied or kept from voting.
7. 15th amendment- No MALE may be denied to vote.
8. Wilmot Proviso- ban slavery in any territory to be acquired from Mexico in the Mexican War
9. Compromise of 1850- CA admitted as a free state; Utah and New Mexico territories to decide to slavery issue with pop sov.; Ban slave trade in DC; New fugitive slave law; Texas ceded some land to US for $10 million.
10. Know Nothings- Nativists; wished to stop immigration
11. Copperheads- Opposed the civil war immediately and wanted peace settlements with the CSI
12. Dred Scott v. Sanford- Dred Scott could not sue because the framers of the Con did not intend for blacks to be citizens; Congress did not have power to deprive people of property in Fed. Territory; Missouri was unconstitutional.
13. KKK- The Ku Klux Klan
14. Kansas Nebraska Act of 1854- Advances by Senator Stephen Douglas; would allow pop. Sov. to decide slavery in Nebraska and Kansas.
15. Fredrick Douglas- African American reform leader.
16. Free Soil Party- opposed extension of slavery in new territories
17. Jefferson Davis- CSI president
18. Pop Sovereignty- decide the issue of