My knowledge, development, skills and understanding has made a difference to the staff in my placement because my experiences have crafted me to become nearly as proficient as a health care professional which may have given an opportunity to the employees that there is an extra hand available. With the knowledge I have been able to pick up from college, I used this in practice which made a difference by maintaining team work with the other staff members and working more efficiently seeing as there are more people to look after the individuals. Using my skills such as being organised and having time-management, I was also able to assist the staff with paper work and arrange specific things for the individuals and this resulted in them having less work or being less stressed than they could have been with more time to focus on other things in order to provide for the service users. My understanding through how much I have developed also made a difference because they did not have to explain certain things to me again; I already knew what to do from my previous experiences which showed that I am conversant and skilled.
The service users at my work placement would also be benefited because I have enough knowledge from college and experiences to provide adequate care and support to them as well as meeting their needs. For example, I have been able to learn about equality, diversity and rights which have helped me realise the importance of anti-discriminatory practice and promoting equal opportunity. Implementing this into practice would have maintained the self-esteem of the service users as well as making them feel respected and valued. I have also learnt about effective communication and how to implement it into practice. One time during my placement at a special needs school, I was asked to work closely with a student who is not very good at speaking English. Being patient and using effective communication motivated her to work better and