As assistant manager I am responsible for many things in the home I manage, including things such as; health and safety, the staff team and the clients/ tenants under our care. To be able to maintain health and safety, keep to legislation and standards I must ensure that I am continually improving my professional knowledge and practice; allowing me to provide an excellent standard of care. By ensuring that I know legislation and standards updates I can ensure that the home I manage is in-keeping with all updates that affect service delivery and is compliant. Attending training relevant to my role such as; Deprivation of Liberty, Mental Capacity Act and Safeguarding, allows me to be informed and have …show more content…
knowledge of procedures in place when such incidents arise relating to these subjects. Completing specified management training such my diploma 5 ensure that I am working in partnership with the staff team, the employer, parents, clients/ tenants, healthcare professionals and external agencies. These types of development allow me to identify strengths and weaknesses in my practice and then work towards improvement.
Unit 502 (SHC52) Learning Outcome 1.2
Barriers may arise in professional development and can present themselves through individuals, within the organisation and even externally. Barriers that may arise with an individual could be lack of confidence with learning, lack of learning opportunities and styles and reluctance to learn. These can mainly be overcome by understanding the style of learning that best suits you, that you are comfortable with and that you enjoy.
Organisational barriers could be things such as; a reluctance to change attitude towards learning and development for staff and not having the resources available for learning and development. These can be overcome by accessing a trainer, accessing online courses or external courses.
Unit 502 (SHC52) Learning Outcome 1.3
Formal support, including supervisions, appraisals and mentoring allows myself and my line manager to draw up a personal development plan and regularly review it. In appraisals, key result areas for the year and what objectives I need to be doing to meet these result areas are set. Timescales are agreed and objectives are reviewed in each supervision. Mentoring allows me to learn and take advice from a more experienced worker; with the intention of bettering my practice.
Informal support includes support from your family, friends and colleagues. This type of support is usually moral support as information regarding client/ tenants must be kept confidential. Although family and friends can offer support by helping me to identify legislative changes and knowledge of these my colleagues are able to offer me feedback on my practice and help me to use reflective practice as a tool.
Support within my organisation can be found in many forms. At Cavendish Care we have a team of specialists, including; a behavioural support specialist, a Learning and Development manager, a college co-ordinator, an activity co-ordinator, a medical support officer, a qualified First Aid trainer, a NAPPI (non-abusive, psychological and physical intervention) trainer, a communication officer, a diet and nutrition advisor and head of maintenance. All of these people help me to ensure I have knowledge and understanding of their specific areas and they are always there if I need guidance and/or support in such areas. I also have my line manager who supports me in my role and helps me through my personal development plan. The staff team are a huge support on a daily basis. They provide advice, encouragement, constructive criticism and praise; as I do them.
Support beyond the organisation could include; external trainers and assessors, social services and CQC.
Trainers and assessors will support me to complete extra training I may take on; relevant to my role. Social services will support me to ensure all my knowledge of paperwork in relation to our clients/ tenants is up to date and in-keeping with legislation and standards. CQC will offer me support through their website; keeping updates to legislation and standards available. A CQC inspector will produce a report once my house is inspected; this will allow me to make improvements on any recommendations made.
All of these sources and systems of support are similar in that they all provide me with knowledge in many different areas that apply to my role, be it; legislation, working practices, individual client/ tenant progress or down falls and reflective practice. Formal support is an organisational requirement and offers me structure in my potential progress and development. This allows me to know exactly where I am with my personal development.
Support beyond the organisation offers professional knowledge and guidance which is in keeping with standards, codes of practice and relevant legislation.
My fellow employees provide me with support, confidence and stability on a daily basis.
Unit 502 (SHC52) Learning Outcome
To keep knowledge and practice up to date I must consider a number of factors when selecting opportunities and activities to do this. Firstly, I need to identify specific development needs. Then I need to find opportunities which will provide me with the outcome which I require. Funding is extremely important; you must think about if there is funding support available, whether your organisation will pay or if it is self-funding. Will you have the time to do it- you need to think about when and if you have the time to commit, especially if you need to attend an external course. Is it what you want to do; does it fit with your career aspirations and lastly, does if offer learning opportunities that fit with your learning style preferences. All of these aspects must be considered carefully proceeding with your learning and development.
Unit 502 (SHC52) Learning Outcome 4.1
Two models of reflective practice are; Kolb’s reflective cycle and Gibbs reflective cycle. Kolb’s cycle comprises four different stages of learning, the cycle can be entered at any point but the stages must be followed in sequence. Kolb’s says ‘learning is the process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experience”. Gibbs reflective cycle however, needs to be entered at ‘description’ and followed in sequence and Gibbs debates ‘it is not enough just to do, and neither is it enough just to think. Nor is it enough simply to do and think. Learning from experience must involve linking the doing and the thinking.’ Kolb’s reflective cycle is more to the point and far quicker and easier to apply; what happened, what went wrong and how could you improve this in the future. Whereas Gibbs reflective cycle looks deeper into different aspects of the experience; what happened, what you thought and how you felt, what sense did you make of the experience. Kolb’s cycle would be better used in an experience where a difficult situation keeps occurring; it would provide quick, constructive practice to be applied. Gibbs cycle however, may be used by an assessor or a supervisor when mentoring an employee on a certain situation that may have occurred. Here you can look further into the reasons behind the experience.
Unit 502 (SHC52) Learning Outcome 4.2
Reflective practice can certainly be used to improve performance. Reflective practice allows you to look back on an experience or situation you were involved in; think about how it was and understand if you felt if it was a good or bad experience. But following a reflective cycle, reflective practice can be used to an individual’s advantage. For example; a staff member attends a training course which is DVD and power point based. The staff member has a supervision with their line manager where they use a reflective cycle and find that the staff member did not enjoy the training and feels as though they do not remember much of the information provided. From here the staff member can look at other training course and options; possibly more interactive and discussion based; where the staff member can enjoy the learning.