The HR Profession Map shows in few steps how professionals could become a value within the organisation in which they work. It has been created by the CIPD for anyone who wants to upgrade and develop own career or for any other who wants to start working in the HR field. It describes what people need to do and to know and how they need to do it. For this reason the map covers all the professional areas within the HR field, giving the knowledge to become an effective and successful HR practitioner.
The map is divided into four bands of competence, covered by ten professional areas and eight behaviours.
Looking at the Professional Areas the first focus is on the core of the map “Insights, strategy and solutions”, in which the professionals must have a deep understanding of the Company’s organisation, business and strategy. They should be able to develop active insights, achieve specific HR solutions, build capacity and be agile and flexible in working.
The second area, or rather the first ring of the map, is about “Leading and managing the HR Function”. It means that everyone has to know and improve in leadership, even if they are not leaders. Professionals have to be able to develop in three different leadership areas: personal leadership, leading others and leading issues. They can do it planning HR resources, designing HR functions, delivering value in HR team, managing budgets and finances.
While these previous areas cover the essential knowledge that professionals must have, the other eight sections are about different understandings required to provide a specific support, inside or outside the organisation. They are:
The Organisation design that makes certain the organisation plan and design are always suitable with the objectives and every structural changes are monitored.
The Organisation development that ensures the strategy plans for the organisation development are always in line with the culture, values and environment of the