1.1 Outline the anatomy and physiology of the human body in relation to the importance of correct moving and positioning of individuals
Our bodies have lots of bones and muscles and these work together to help the body move. Every part of the body has certain muscles and bones that will work that part of the body. They work like hinges or levers to pull the muscles in the correct direction. When our bodies get older than become slack making movement more difficult and become slower. The importance of muscles in relation of moving and handling is that they are to stop fractures. Using correct procedures for moving and handling reduces the risk of sprains or muscle strain. This way carers and the individual will not experience any pain or discomfort.
1.2 Describe the impact of specific conditions on the correct movement and positioning an individual
Specific conditions that may affect moving and positioning of an individual could be having painful and possibly swollen joints, arthritis, cerebral palsy, spinal injury, communication.
2 Understand current legislations and agreed ways of working when moving and positioning.
2.1 Describe how current legislations and agreed ways of working affect working practices relating to moving and postioning of an individual.
Every time carer moves or supports the weight of a individual they are manual handling that person. Bad manual handling techniques can result in injury to yourself or the individual. To reduce the risk of getting injured whether its you or the individual legislations are put into place to support people. The health and safety at work act 1974 makes it a legal requirement for employers to make sure that health and safety and the welfare of the employees are maintained. Employees a duty to take reasonable care of themselves and others also to respect the individual and to include them in their own care. Carers need to