For Visual Basic a variable’s name must have a letter as the first character, you cannot use spaces, periods, or other special characters such as !@#. The name cannot exceed 255 characters. The variable should not have a similar name as the functions, statements, and methods, and the name cannot be repeated within the scope. This language is not case sensitive.…
Similarities in the languages are that their variables should be made up of Alphanumeric characters. Another similarity is they should refrain from using most symbols. A third similarity is each has reserved words that the language uses for its own purposes.…
A1: Applet is a type of Java program that runs on web browser. It can be a fully functional Java application because it has full Java API…
Some similarities in these programs are that there are specific words you cannot use in each language. These words are generally reserved for some other part of the language and if the is not some kind of distinction between the words this will cause an error. Though these languages have minor similarities they differ in the same way, some are case sensitive while others are not. They also say that most variables should begin with a letter but in two of these programs they can begin with an underscore and in Java you can use a dollar sign as well. Another key difference is the length of the variable name, in Visual Basic you are limited to a length of 255 characters while the other two have no restrictions on length. So for each language there are minor similarities and differences but in order to program in any of these languages you must know these rules in order to prevent errors from…
The purpose of this policy is to define standards for connecting to Richman investment’s network from any host. These standards are designed to minimize the potential exposure to Richman investments from damages which may result from unauthorized use of Richman investments resources. Damages include the loss of sensitive or company confidential data, intellectual property, damage to public image, damage to critical Richman investments internal systems, etc.…
A declarative language is a language in which you tell the computer what to do not how. TRUE…
Procedural language is used for developing simple applications. The languages that use the procedural programming are Pascal and C languages. Some of the benefits of the procedural programming are: easy to read program code, easily maintainable program code as various procedures can be debugged in isolation, code is more flexible as you can change a specific procedure that gets implemented across the program.…
In a declarative language, language is used that in its simplest form, just makes sense. There is no intricate code that is confusing. One example in SQL would be creating tables: CREATE TABLE Employee. The user can create a simple table without having to know the inner workings of how the table is actually created.…
Centralization sums up my primary reason for implementing Active Directory. The Active Directory structure makes it possible for you to achieve truly centralized management of users, regardless of how big your client’s network has become. If you've worked with Windows NT before, you know that in Windows NT a domain is a completely independent entity. While it's possible to create a trust relationship between domains that exist on a common network, the domains are never truly integrated with each other because there is no higher authority that manages the domains.…
Virus protection – virus protection protects a computer system from malicious viruses and Trojans and worms which you can be infected by through the internet or email or downloading files or through a USB flash drive etc. virus protection usually consists of a firewall, virus scanner, virus remover and spyware. With virus protection you can perform a scan on your computer to check if you have been infected by any viruses or Trojans or worms. With some virus protections software’s you can scan your computer then it will ask you if you want the viruses removed, also if any programs have been infected the virus protection will ask you if you want the infected program deleted, most virus…
Programming statements in a low-level language will be close to natural language and will use standard mathematical notation.…
The 5 categories under this page is 1. How Healthy Are You? 2. Lifestyle Change. 3. Physical Fitness. 4. Prevention and Screening. 5. Tips for Healthy Living.…
Share information, ask and reply to questions, keep up to date of any changes, feedback, build team work, be professional, makes a better atmosphere, better customer service and may prevent mistakes.…
Structuration Theory is a social theory based on several Theorists throughout time but notably Anthony Giddens. Basically Structuration Theory of our social systems stating that both structure and agents are equal in how we interact socially.…
1.1 Identify the regulatory requirements, codes of practice and relevant guidance for managing concerns and complaints in own area of work…