Erica Jones
Gus Weekley, JD
Leg 100 (Business Law)
November 2, 2013
Social Media plays a vital role in all aspects of businesses nowadays. It has helped in turning communications into interactive dialogues among organizations, communities and individuals which has led to a much proper propagation of information. It may include web based or mobile based technologies and the existence in multiple forms has made it all the more tempting and has become a necessity today in the business world. The four characteristics of a legally astute manager, include an acceptance of how important the law is to the success of the organization, a proactive attitude toward legal issues and regulations the ability to use informed judgment when faced with decisions involving legal implications, and having the knowledge of specific laws, regulations, tools and resources. A social media marketing manager must be specific in these qualifications due to the fairly new concept of social media when comparing it to other avenues of marketing like television, print and radio (Franklin, B.). …show more content…
Companies do so by creating their own logistics and distribution of their products. They have managed to reduce costs by demanding high productivity from their employees, but wages paid do not meet the demand. They have also pushed many of their suppliers to outsource their products so they can produce more at a lower cost. Wal-Mart as an example attempts to conduct business practices by the law, but over the years have been subjected to over 5,000 lawsuits ranging from discrimination to unfair labor practices, which means that members of the corporation may not be following the laws as stated. There are also problems with suburban sprawl and lost jobs from