As a support worker we should remember to take care of one`s own health and safety and others we care or support including their family, friends and work colleagues.
The 1974 Health & Safety act requires us to : * Take reasonable care for their own safety and that of others. * Cooperate with the employer in respect of Health and Safety matters. We should not intentionally damage any Health and safety equipment or material provided by the employer * Attend training provided by the employer * Use protective equipment provide by the employer.
The Health and Safety Legislation require that employers have a duty of care to protect employee for example: * Provide a safe workplace * Carry out risk assessments to assess the dangers of certain work activities * Provide training to staff * Provide PPE * Ensure regular health and safety checks are undertaken.
The employer should have infection prevention control policies and procedures for the staff.
The manager will support and advise the Carer in respect of these procedures
Current standards and legislation we should consider include:
Cosh - Control of substances hazardous to health. Always consider the safe use and storage of substances we use within the work setting.
RIDDER - reporting of injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences regulations. It is a legal requirement to report all accidents witch happen in the work setting.
The Public Health (control of diseases) act 1984 and the Public Health (infectious diseases) act 1988 - this provides us with details of notifiable diseases.
Local and organisational policies relevant to the prevention and control of infection are The Public Health (control of disease) Act 1984, Social Care Act, the NICE guidelines and also the companies policies and procedures that relate to infection prevention and control
Procedures and systems relevant to the prevention of control infection are