Cypop5 Understand how to set up a home based childcare setting
Task 1 Produce an information sheet which outlines the following;
Current legislation for home based childcare
The role of the regulatory bodies
As a registered childminder i am required to abide by certain legislations, these have been put into place in order to protect and ensure adequate care for all children. * Sex discrimination act (1975) – To ensure that no child is discriminated because of their sex. * Race relation act (1975) – Prevents discrimination against any race. * Education act (1981) – Parents have rights with regards to education * Public health (control of disease) act (1984) – A duty to inform the local authority of any infectious disease. * Education reform act (1988) – An understanding of the national curriculum within schools. * Children act (1989) – ‘The needs of the children are paramount’. * Education act (1993) – Parents of children under the age of 2 have the right to ask for their child to be assessed. This is to find out if there are any educational needs. * Code of practice for the identification and assessment of children with special educational needs (1994 revised 2001) – Designed to help make efficient decisions for children with educational needs. * Reporting of injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences regulations (RIDDOR) (1995) - By law certain incidents/accidents have to be reported to the appropriate people. * Food safety & general food hygiene regulation (1995) – Knowledge of basic hygiene within food preparation and daily chores. * Family law act (1996) – ensures the safety and best interest of the child. * Disability discrimination act (1995) – Ensures that the rights of those with disabilities. * Code of practice for first aid (1997) – Standard practice for trained first aiders. * Protection of children act (1998) – Anyone