Advantages of the unitary government include:
1. Less duplication of services and fewer conflicts between national and local governments
2. Uniform policies, laws, political, enforcement, and administration throughout the country
3. Greater unity and stability
4. Simpler management of the economy.
Disadvantages of the unitary government include:
1. Central government out of touch with local concerns
2. Slow in meeting local problems
3. Slow government response (for instance no state National Guard that could be dispatched in emergency, troops would have to be mobilized from national authority).
4. Easily loses track of local issues
The confederate government is an alliance of independent states. The confederate government has the power to handle only those matters that the member states have assigned to it. Usually, confederate governments have limited powers and only in such fields as defense and foreign commerce. In our own history, the United States under the Articles of Confederation, 1781 to 1789, and the Confederate States of America, 1861-1865, are examples of the form. Confederations are extremely rare in today’s world. The European Union is the closest approach to a confederation in today’s time.
Advantages of the confederate government include: