Crime prevention is not police officers driving around giving out titckets and looking for law breakers. It�s an choice that every signle living human being has to decide on a daily basises. Ever choice we make has a end result regradless if you think you don�t have any other choices. Crime prevention starts at the home with your family, then your community and school. Everyone wants their children to do better then they did in life. If you cant be the right roll model make the choice to find ways to direct you children in the right path. The National Crime Prewvention Counil has a wed site that gives tips on safety and programs available. One of the best programs out there today is Boys
Crime prevention is not police officers driving around giving out titckets and looking for law breakers. It�s an choice that every signle living human being has to decide on a daily basises. Ever choice we make has a end result regradless if you think you don�t have any other choices. Crime prevention starts at the home with your family, then your community and school. Everyone wants their children to do better then they did in life. If you cant be the right roll model make the choice to find ways to direct you children in the right path. The National Crime Prewvention Counil has a wed site that gives tips on safety and programs available. One of the best programs out there today is Boys