By the end of World War II, the United States and the Soviet Union clashed over the reorganization of the Postwar World. Each perceived one another as a threat to national security and its influence over the globe. American foreign policy goal was the destruction of governments perceived friendly to the Soviet power and the preservation of those willing to fight communism. But the communists succeeded in Vietnam. In 1954, with the decisive Viet Minh victory at the battle of Dien Bien Phu, French forces surrounded and agreed to a set of treaties (Gibbons, William Conrad (2014-07-14)).The use of the foreign policy was just one example of how the United States was willing to do any means necessary to prevent the spread of …show more content…
Many of the severe consequences pose a big question mark over the American benefits of its involvement in the Vietnam. Was the lost of 58,000 lives worth it? The United States involvement in the Vietnam War has many effects on the U.S. economy. The requirements of the war strained the nation’s production capacities. This lead to imbalances in the industrial sector. Instead, of factories producing consumer goods, they were used to make items from the military. This cause many controversies over the government’s handling of economic