Mr. Rater, ladies and gentlemen I am grateful for the opportunity rendered by all of you to express my opinion in this fiercely controverted subject. To me the period between high school and work, or Post-graduate education, which is called by all of us University, is inevitably the most defining period in our life, as it ends our acquisition in school as well as precedes our career of utilizing what we’ve learned. For the sake of its special position – between learning and work, that defining period is ordained the special duty of being well used to acquire some knowledge and abilities that will be soon made use of. Unlike any other period we’ve ever experienced or will experience, it is never a single period simply to learn something or to use what we’ve learned; it is a combination of learning and using. Another extraordinary identity of this period is that it’s time when we are young and active. Being impressively influenced by the quotation “Be crazy before being old”, many of us have recognized that this is not only a period to forge us but a wonderful while to enjoy, as it will possibly be the last chance that we have plenty of time to think, to plan, and to do what we desire. Unfortunately many of us have only realized one of the two major use of university – mostly the entertaining one. They have well but insufficiently enjoyed the paradise with least rules and restrictions; they are doing whatever gratifies them – spending almost all the time they’re awake playing computer games, having fun with their friends all the time, of course while absent from classes. The rest of whoever realized only one use of the period are completely doing oppositely to the former ones; they have always been studying and studying, any time they are not sleeping, even sometimes when they are. The commonly seen phenomenon mentioned above does not stand for what modern university students are all about; in fact it is something that, if
Mr. Rater, ladies and gentlemen I am grateful for the opportunity rendered by all of you to express my opinion in this fiercely controverted subject. To me the period between high school and work, or Post-graduate education, which is called by all of us University, is inevitably the most defining period in our life, as it ends our acquisition in school as well as precedes our career of utilizing what we’ve learned. For the sake of its special position – between learning and work, that defining period is ordained the special duty of being well used to acquire some knowledge and abilities that will be soon made use of. Unlike any other period we’ve ever experienced or will experience, it is never a single period simply to learn something or to use what we’ve learned; it is a combination of learning and using. Another extraordinary identity of this period is that it’s time when we are young and active. Being impressively influenced by the quotation “Be crazy before being old”, many of us have recognized that this is not only a period to forge us but a wonderful while to enjoy, as it will possibly be the last chance that we have plenty of time to think, to plan, and to do what we desire. Unfortunately many of us have only realized one of the two major use of university – mostly the entertaining one. They have well but insufficiently enjoyed the paradise with least rules and restrictions; they are doing whatever gratifies them – spending almost all the time they’re awake playing computer games, having fun with their friends all the time, of course while absent from classes. The rest of whoever realized only one use of the period are completely doing oppositely to the former ones; they have always been studying and studying, any time they are not sleeping, even sometimes when they are. The commonly seen phenomenon mentioned above does not stand for what modern university students are all about; in fact it is something that, if