Unix® and Linux® Comparison Matrix
Directions: Choose three different versions of the UNIX® or Linux® operating systems to compare in the following matrix. Insert the three chosen versions and fill out the columns based on the components on the left-hand side of the matrix.
|Components |Red Hat Enterprise Linux |SUSE Linux |Debian GNU/Linux |
|Role of shell |Uses a Bash command shell. This |Uses a variety of shells but the|Uses the Dash shell. This shell |
| |shell uses scripts that make use|most standard is the Bourne |executes faster than Bash and |
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|login. There are many module |and commonly overseen. There is |
| |Authentication is thoroughly |checks required and an |an audit team that continually |
| |integrated into the operating |authentication process is |reviews an archive looking for |
| |system. The access controls are |required. There is a requisite |possible threats and fixes. |
| |based on experience of long |feature that will halt process |There are optional security |
| |duration among UNIX development |if a failure is found known. |packages available but need |
| |communities. Security is well |These are great features yet |purchasing. The extra security |
| |oriented in this distribution |time consuming when wanting |does greatly increase security |
| |allowing easy modifications |access but all the same safe. A |performance but is not what …show more content…
|susceptible to malicious |knowledge in use of password |
| | |scripts, programs, and code. |management and authentication of|
| | |Administrator has much power. |programs and software. |
|Comments on networking |Red Hat Network is a great form |SUSE Linux has a large |Debian Linux is a very flexible |
| |of networking for this |flexibility allowing for |system when networking is |
| |distribution of Linux. This |streamlined management filing |concerned. The use of TCP/IP and|
| |network ability gives the user |networks as well as support |or proxy servers as well as |
| |the ability to fulfill duties |options for data tiering |private addresses is just some |
| |remotely. The networking |capabilities and a platform |of the networking possibilities