Hegemony- ideological domination.
Basic premises of Cultural Studies
Basic premise semiotics (the study of how things are made to mean)
For human beings, there are no necessary or inherent meaning in anything .
Things have to be made to mean.
Basic premises of semiotics
Making things mean is a social and political process, practice, and struggle.
Therefore, our sense of reality is socially and politically constructed.
Basic premises of cultural studies
In societies marked by institutionalized structures of domination subordination ideologies arise to rationalize that structure of inequality/power.
The social/political structure determines, in part, which meanings/ideologies are dominant.
The social/political structure is held in place by, among other forces, the meaning that dominate the culture.
Ideological domination (i.e. hegemony) is never complete.
There is always people who refuses oppose and resist the dominant ideologies, to one degree or another.
Therefore, domination is not static, but is in process...
The power the elite has to constantly adjust, and rework their discourse order to maintain the legitimacy of the social and political structure that serves their interest.
A grouping of people based on physical characteristics.
Human genome project has found that there is more physical/genetic variation within any of the so called races (film)
A grouping of people based on generally distinctive cultural patterns (customs, folkway, languages, traditions, and etc.) and geographical origins.
Although theoretically separable in the us ethnicity and “race” are typically intertwined in peoples minds.
Being so centered in the cultural history and general experience of one ethnic group , that the culture, history, and experience of other history and experience of other ethnic group appear marginal, wrong/abnormal, and inferior.
The practice of viewing the world from a European perspective, with