The color red is affiliated with Bloods and the color blue is affiliated with the Crips. Blood and Crips usually did not get along which form conflict between one another. The lady that is similar to the Statue of Liberty symbolize the freedom that the young African American man was fighting for, however, gangbanging and dice games could caused violence upon one another and massive deadly shootings. Corresponding to Batey artwork of the young African American man getting shot and had red and blue blood coming out of his wound. Batey created this artwork to inform his audience the issues of the lower class people and tries to give us a different outlook on lifestyles in America. He shows us how these people live in this dangerous neighborhood called home and have to fight for their freedom everyday. He displays what the “gangster life” can bring which is shootings, death, and peer pressure. The artist tries to show us how women can be sacred and vulnerable which gives them no choice but to give up their bodies to fit into society. The female that unzipped her pants and held her hands out to the young boy hoping that she will find love in him. Her face expression shows that she knows his only motive is to have sex with her. It look as if she will be is escape from his pain in the streets that he witness
The color red is affiliated with Bloods and the color blue is affiliated with the Crips. Blood and Crips usually did not get along which form conflict between one another. The lady that is similar to the Statue of Liberty symbolize the freedom that the young African American man was fighting for, however, gangbanging and dice games could caused violence upon one another and massive deadly shootings. Corresponding to Batey artwork of the young African American man getting shot and had red and blue blood coming out of his wound. Batey created this artwork to inform his audience the issues of the lower class people and tries to give us a different outlook on lifestyles in America. He shows us how these people live in this dangerous neighborhood called home and have to fight for their freedom everyday. He displays what the “gangster life” can bring which is shootings, death, and peer pressure. The artist tries to show us how women can be sacred and vulnerable which gives them no choice but to give up their bodies to fit into society. The female that unzipped her pants and held her hands out to the young boy hoping that she will find love in him. Her face expression shows that she knows his only motive is to have sex with her. It look as if she will be is escape from his pain in the streets that he witness