Urban studies aims to develop an understanding the modern city metropolis. As Savage et al. have pointed out, the urban encompasses far more than just the physical city itself; understanding the city help us to understand many aspects of modern life (2003, pp.4). Many of its features, such as mass media and public transport systems have spread throughout society over the past century. Sociological studies of urban life began with the landmark publication of 'The City' in 1925 by sociologists Robert Park, Ernest Burgess and Louis Wirth from the University of Chicago, students of Georg Simmel who shared his belief that the urban environment changed man's personality and made relationships impersonal. They sought to explain different features of the urban environment within this theory and predict its development, starting with their own city Chicago, which they believed to be paradigmatic of new cities, designed to serve the needs of industrial capitalism (Park 1925, pp. 17, 40). Park and his colleagues posited a largely deterministic view of the city as a logically developing space ordered primarily by economic needs. Ernest Burgess developed the 'concentric zones model' to explain urban development and expansion of the modern city according to a predictable, ecological pattern (Burgess 1925). Louis Wirth has contributed to the school prominently in his essay "Urbanism as a Way of Life" in 1938, which sought to further develop a theoretical basis for the expanding field of urbanism (Wirth 1964, pp. 83). This text became one of the most influential works on understanding the social consequences of the city, and had real consequences; future sociologists have used his theory to help plan cities' layout (Knox & Pinch 2010, pp. 149). Although now over 80 years old and dated in many respects by economic change, the Chicago School remains highly influential in the urban studies today, which…