Urban Sustainability – Option 2
Develop sustainability guidelines for your apartment, home, child’s school, workplace, or place of worship that will help improve urban sustainability. Your project should include three goals that can range from simple measures such as turning lights off to larger projects including sustainable landscaping or home remodeling using environmentally friendly materials. Each of the three goals should include two actions that will help improve urban sustainability. You may choose a goal discussed in Chapter 17 of Environmental Science or any of the following: recycling, efficient electronics, environmentally friendly office materials, environmentally friendly cleaning supplies, lunchroom items, transportation, building materials, weatherizing, vegetable gardens, home improvement materials, food supply, or water efficiency/safety.
Project Name: (example: Home and Garden Sustainability)
Home and Transportation Sustainability
Project Goals: (Add your sustainability goals here)
1.) Energy Efficiency
2.) Water Efficiency
3.) Transportation
Summary: (In 2-3 sentences, summarize the key principles you used to develop your sustainability guidelines).
The key principles I used were, to reduce pollution, save money, and to save our ecosystem. As I researched information, I learned that we can do so much to help our ecosystem and save money in the process. Many of the solutions zero short-term cost and long-term savings.
Plan Outline
Sustainability Measures Needed
What You Need to Learn and/or Investigate
Information Sources Used
Short-term Costs
Long-term Savings
How it benefits me and my family
How it Promotes Urban Sustainability
Energy Efficiency
Low cost/ no cost energy savings U.S. Dept. of Energy at Energy.gov
10-25% on electric bill
Reduces air pollution and saves me money
Reduces air pollution and maintains ecosystem health