Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Shadow of War, 1933-1941
Use the following to answer questions 1-9:
Identify and state the historical significance of the following:
1. Cordell Hull
2. Joseph Stalin
3. Benito Mussolini
4. Adolf Hitler
5. Josef Goebbels
6. Francisco Franco
7. Winston Churchill
8. Charles Lindbergh
9. Wendell Willkie
Use the following to answer questions 10-13:
Define and state the historical significance of the following:
10. totalitarianism
11. fascism
12. isolationism
13. appeasement
Use the following to answer questions 14-37:
Describe and state the historical significance of the following:
14. London Economic Conference
15. Good Neighbor policy
16. Reciprocal Trade Agreement Act
17. Nazi party
18. Rome-Berlin axis
19. invasion of Ethiopia
20. “merchants of death”
21. Neutrality Acts
22. Spanish Civil War
23. "China incident"
24. “Quarantine Speech”
25. the Holocaust
26. Kristallnacht
27. Munich conference
28. Nazi-Soviet Pact
29. “cash-and-carry”
30. “phony war”
31. Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies
32. America First Committee
33. Battle of Britain
34. destroyers-for-bases deal
35. Atlantic Charter
36. Pearl Harbor
37. lend-lease
Use the following to answer questions 38-42:
Locate the following places by reference number on the map:
38. _____ The nation that was sacrificed at the Munich Conference by the Allied nations to achieve “peace in our time.”
Ans: 5 Page: 807
39. _____ The nation that, when invaded in 1939, touched off the formal onset of World War II.
Ans: 6 Page: 810
40. _____ The nation invaded by Hitler in 1941 despite a formal nonaggression pact signed two years earlier.
Ans: 8 Page: 817
41. _____ The nation through which German armies twice invaded France in the twentieth century.
Ans: 2 Page: 810
42. _____ The only European nation to pay off its World War I debts to the United States, invaded by the Soviet