The characters like in most stories reflect real or plausible issues comparable in real life. Should the professional aspect of a job be put beforehand or does personal reasoning take part? The author uses the persona of the doctor to reveal a dilemma when a serious issue is confronted. This is put into reasoning since the beginning when the man gets attached to his patient. Already, this indicates that the man can't cope with people on a strictly professional level.
During that period, there is a serious epidemic of diphtheria, which worsens the situation and forces the doctor to take cautious measures aggressively. There is no shame or guilt felt once the man performs his violent manoeuvres, thus leading the readers to believe this man finds pleasure in pain. One could interpret the use of force positively or not but it is the grasp of the story. Saving the young girl through inappropriate manners saves a life although it destroys a reputable career.
The man reveals difficulties separating two different tasks.
The character of the young girl shows conflict between her personality and role as a patient. She is the reason for the instability and turmoil in the story since she is not willing to cooperate. This is revealed by the fact that she is rebellious and spoiled. Since her parents hold no strong restraints, it increases the girl's vulnerability to behave badly. Her