I like the computers because it shows what we can do with technology and looks really cool.The computers are a major part of the movie and I think they help the movies plot and theme.The computers also help to explain how the spaceships are so advanced.
I also like the computers because they can lots of cool stuff and it really makes you feel like the technology is innovative.The computers can even tell lasers what to do and control force fields and lots of other stuff.
The computers
also help to explain how advanced human technology has got and how it is still advancing. It does this when in some of the movies they come up with new spaceships with more advanced technology.This just helps add new factors to the plot
In conclusion, Star Trek has computers in it which help the movie. They help the movie because it gives the movie a more futuristic feel.The computers also show all the cool stuff that the spaceships can do and this helps make the movie more popular.The computers also show the advancement of the human race and all their technology.