Requirements Analysis
User Requirements Analysis Report
D M Sergeant, S Andrews, A Farquhar
Executive Summary
EVIE is a JISC-funded project which is aiming to develop a virtual research environment for staff based around portal technology. EVIE is funded on a 2-year basis, from November 2004, and is being led by the University of Leeds Library. The environment will enable researchers to share information across systems, and provide a single point of entry to tools that support research.
EVIE has just completed its user needs analysis phase. The methodology included structured oneto-one interviews with research staff, a series of focus groups with staff from the Schools of
Geography and Medicine, and an online survey. 121 staff members completed the survey.
Key outcomes:
Respondents are keen to see a unified interface, flagging that this needs to be easy to use and available to them from off-campus. Different aspects of research activity were prioritised as follows:
1. Finding and acquiring published information such as articles, proceedings, monographs, etc.
2. Finding out about funding opportunities; applying for funding.
3. Collaborating with partners within the University or elsewhere.
4. Sharing or archiving research results; improving permanence of outputs.
5. Other activities.
Within these activities, respondents flagged the following issues:
Finding information: Respondents want a simple, easy tool to enable them to search across several datasets; they want advanced search interfaces too; and want to build up their own search strategies.
Funding: Respondents would like to see various aspects of the grants management process simplified; they want to be able to search and view previously submitted proposals; and they would like the portal environment to alert them about new funding opportunities.
Collaboration: Respondents want access to their own email