Aditya Shakkarwar
Roll no.-B44
Registration No.: 11110103
4th Sem, Department of ECE
Lovely Professional University, Punjab
Abstract- It is often necessary to have a permanent record or the state of a phenomenon being investigated .in necessary to monitor continuously the condition state or value of the process variables such as flow, force, pressure, temperature, current, voltage, electrical power etc.
A recorder thus records electrical and non-electrical quantities as a function of time. this record may be written or printed, and later on, can be printed examined and analyzed to obtain a better understanding and control of the processes. Currents and voltages can be recorded directly while the non electrical quantities are recorded indirectly by first converting them to equivalent currents or voltages with the help of sensors or transducers.
The ever increasing emphasis on automation continuously recording instruments is finding many applications in industry.
One of the important considerations in an instrumentation system is the method by which the data acquired is recorded. The recording method should be consistent with the type of system. If we are dealing with a wholly analog system, then anlaog recording techniques
While on the other hand, if the system has a digital output, digital recording devices are used.
Thus there are two types of recording device: (a) Analog recorders (b) Digital recorders
They are broadly classified into two categories (1) Graphic recoders (2) Oscillogrsphic recorder (3) magnetic tape recorder
Graphic recorders generally are devices whic display and store a pen and ink record of the history history of some physical event Basic elements of a recorder include a chart the diplaying and storing the recorded information , a stylus moving in a proper