Using Authentic Assessment to Evidence
Children’s Process toward Early Learning Standards
Assessment of student learning is a fundamental aspect of instruction. The purpose of assessment is to improve learning. There are several reasons why it plays an important role for the students; first it inform students, parents, and teachers of individual and group progress toward meeting the standards, second it demonstrate to students, parents, and the community the types of learning and levels of achievement sought, third, it furnish teachers with information on the effectiveness of instruction and thereby providing a basis for instructional improvement, fourth, it makes possible comparisons involving student achievement across time and, when desired, among students, districts, or states, fifth, it motivates student learning and lastly it provides information to policy-makers at all levels to aid in decision-making. It states in this article that authentic assessment must be conducted in a normal/natural environment, and it’s directly link to a curriculum. Authentic assessments can vary as vastly as lesson plans themselves. (Brown, Hallam, &Brookshire) 46. Authentic assessments are a form of assessment that meets the needs of students individually. In Early Child Hood this authentic assessment goal is to link child assessment and curriculum in order to positively impact the preschool children. This type of assessment aligns curriculum and assessment with standards and tracks the progression of student growth. An area of focus that deserves special attention is the assessment of student learning. This type of assessment also works well with diverse abilities. It provides goals, and breaks the goal down into smaller objectives that make up a particular goal. It also helps the teachers better understand the sequence in which children learn different skills. (Brown, Hallam, &Brookshire) 50. This encompasses how the teachers assess student