Unit 012 Principles of assessments in lifelong learning
Zoe Swinger
Gravells (2012) describes an assessment as a way of finding out if the learning has taken place. Petty (1998) also describes an assessment as “collecting, measuring and interpreting information relating to students responses to the process of instruction”.
Assessments main function is to see what learning has taken place. Assessment should be valid and reliable, and ensures trainers as well as learners have a correct and sound understanding of the knowledge and skills needed to attain a qualification or programme, it is regular and ongoing. The purpose of assessment falls into 5 main categories. Initial, (at the beginning) diagnostic (example: testing for existing knowledge), formative, (ongoing) summative (at the end) and ipsative (self).
Gravells states, Assessment is a regular process: it might not always be formalised, but you will be observing what your learners are doing, asking them questions, and reviewing their progress. …show more content…
This informative method can be used by either learners or trainers. It reinforces learning points by listing, promotes creative thinking by asking learners/trainers to compile a tool kit of materials or ideas. It also allows reflection on learning and empowers learners to express any concerns they may have or what personal development needs they may aspire too. Limitations can include not having correct information to begin with, information must be needs to be factual and concise. Not everything can be documented/recorded. One of the major disadvantages of journals, logs and portfolios is the difficulty some students experience, through lack of familiarity and practice, with writing reflectively. The superficial accounts of events that can result from this have little educational value - for either the assessor or the assessed