1. Rationale of the study
Over many historical stages, English has proven its prominent position among many hundreds of languages around the world. It is considered as an international language and the only language that truly links the whole world together and widely used in all parts of the world, in every aspect of human life and many other fields. Undoubtedly, the Internet, cable TV, magazines … almost everything we see every day now is in English. Thus, the best way to approach a new modern world with fewer obstacles is to learn English. English, for that reason, is being learnt in many schools in Vietnam as a compulsory subject. However, teaching and learning English in Vietnam still not reach the desired effects. This seems to be the main factor that affecting student ability in using English in communication.
Communicative activities were introduced as the one which brings the language to life by providing a REAL BASIS for speaking, and the interactive EXCHANGE of ideas, opinions, and feelings with another person. It can be seen as an effective method in teaching and learning English. English language learners get beneficial effect from them. With communicative activities, learners are really involved in the process and provided chances to experience real communicative situations, so they become more active and enthusiastic.
Being the place where FLD’s students exchange information and investigate experiences from each other, FLD’s English Club is organized to help students inspire the passion for language and improve using language skills including listening, reading, writing and especially proficient speaking. With the real state that not many people at English Club are active and having good speaking ability, it is very important to effectively use communicative activities in English club. Therefore, here, in our study, we try to collect, arrange and present a collection of the most effective and suitable communicative