Learning a foreign language has numerous benefits that will stick with you throughout your entire life. It will not only make you a more rounded individual, but will also aid you in becoming more independent, a more confident person and give you professional opportunities. Whether through a personal or professional aspect, learning another language is a truly meaningful experience with benefits that will last a lifetime.…
English has become more and more significant. In China, a big part of higher learning, is a…
Speaking a foreign language improves the functionality of your brain by challenging it to recognise, negotiate meaning, and communicate in different language systems. This skill boosts your ability to negotiate meaning in other problem-solving tasks as well.…
There has been research done that learning new languages can expand brain growth. Learning new languages is like a brain exercise. There are also the pros of being bilingual or multilingual. Intelligence can expand when leaning new languages and can comprehend problems faster than those who are monolingual. Cognitive skills can improve and these skills are not just relevant to language learning.…
Many people find that learning a second language also helps them improve their first. Phonetics, grammar points, and other things that native speakers usually take for granted, you will start to notice in your own language after learning about them in another.…
Steve Fidel once has written, “A person who speaks three languages is trilingual; a person who speaks two languages is bilingual; a person who speaks one language is — American.” In spite of the fact, that English language one of widely widespread in the world, it should not use that as an excuse for native born residents of the United States to avoid studying another language. There is a set of arguments why it is necessary to study foreign languages. Two of them it is cultural aspect and expansion of business opportunities. During studying foreign language people start to understand the culture and history of other nation and their own language and culture much better. Also, studying foreign language helps people to keep their mind opened for new things. Evona York has said that, “Sometimes learning a foreign language helps you understand your own language and culture better through comparison, or through the relationship between the foreign language and your mother tongue. For instance, studying Latin in high school taught me an incredible amount of English, because English has so many words that come from the Latin.” Someone can tell that, it is not important to know language and culture of other country and other nation. However, “globalization removes barriers between people.”(Pieracarla Santucci) If the people want to be successful in this world he or she should speak in several languages. To remain monolingual is to stunt your educational development, to restrict your communication and thinking abilities, and to deny yourself the ability to fully appreciate and understand the world in which you live. Learning another language opens new opportunities and gives you perspectives that you might never have encountered otherwise. Personal, professional, social, and economic considerations all point to the advantages of learning foreign languages.…
It actually makes you smarter! In scientific terms, speaking more than one language improves the cognitive functions of your brain. It can help prevent memory loss and possibly also dementia and Alzheimer's Disease. Learning Spanish will thus open doors of culture and creativity. It will increasingly help you communicate with your neighbors, coworkers and employees.…
Learning foreign languages is a challenge most people grab by the horn within their life. Struggling and battling the bull is discomforting at first due to ones own insecurity and self-confidence. For a start you will feel unhitched, but if you hook on you will often find success at some point. The reasons for a learning a new language are plentiful: one maybe wants to change his picture of the world, while another might want to seem more cultivated and erudite.…
Many colleges now require that students have taken at least two years of the foreign language in order to be admitted. Language is the key component of communication; being able to speak with someone personally is important for building a relationship, learning a foreign language can be a great opportunity. It can increase your limits and help you to look beyond the familiar. It can teach you to take a step back and examine your own culture and ways of communications; learning another language enables students to see the world through a new image. Knowing a second language can also give people a competitive advantage in the work force by opening up additional job opportunities. People who speak another language have the ability to communicate with more people, read more literature, and travel to other countries.…
We live in a world where more people from other countries are moving to new ones, knowing different languages can help the world be seen in a different light. It can also open windows for jobs that allow working with other countries.…
There are many different languages in the world, continent, and our country. Knowing a second language can give a person an edge in our multilingual world. This advantage could be used almost anywhere. These places include the work place, in a foreign province or country, and even in our schools.…
Knowing a foreign language isn't useful to some people. For example, if you can't afford to travel or aren't interested in visiting other countries, you might never get to speak the language with natives. In addition, although speaking a foreign language makes traveling more fun, it's easy to get around in many countries while speaking English. Knowing a foreign language is a prized asset in some careers, but it's not helpful for many jobs. And some foreign languages, such as Latin or Ancient Greek, aren't even…
Nowadays English has a special and predominant role in the communicative sphere of the world. It has also a special identity in the field of education.…
English is the most widely and internationally spoken language in the world; many countries set English as their second official language, such as Singapore, India, and Korea. We may hear plenty of news reporting the rapid development of economy in these countries, and it is no doubt that one of the biggest advantages they hold is the knowledge of language. Therefore, in this business world, we should understand that language makes us more competitive, more adventurous, and our perspective more international as well, which are the three main reasons why we should make English the Second Official Language of Taiwan.…
Over the year, English has become the international language because of its importance. More and more people around the world are studying English as the second language.…