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The purpose of this essay is to reflect on a challenging situation I experienced during clinical practice as a student nurse. The essay will discuss my thoughts and feelings surrounding the situation and analyse the coping strategies I used in managing the situation, linking to relevant theory throughout in order to provide evidence for practice. The essay will also consider person-centred care and whether this was delivered to the patient. To conclude, the essay will discuss what I have learnt from the experience and how this experience will improve my future practice. The essay will first discuss a model for reflective cycle, before going on to describe the situation and my feelings about it. The essay will then go on to evaluate and analyse the situation before discussing an action plan for future practice and concluding with what I have learned from my reflection.
This essay will use Gibbs’ reflective cycle (Gibbs, 1988) updated by Bulman and Schutz (2013) (Appendix 1) as a framework for reflecting on a challenging situation I experienced whilst on placement, involving a patient with dementia. Gibbs’ reflective cycle consists of six stages; description, feelings, evaluation, analysis, conclusion and an action plan. These stages allow an individual to methodically reflect upon, analyse and consequently learn from any situation. The model can be adapted to any situation and is simple and easy to follow, giving cue questions at each stage and allowing for in-depth reflection of an event. Reflection is a key skill for all healthcare professionals, allowing them to learn from experiences and adapt their practice accordingly. By incorporating both a description of the event as well as considering the feelings of the individuals involved it maximises the potential to learn from the event and
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