Suicide is the act of intentionally killing oneself, the issue of suicide is widely studied by many different sociologists including the positivist scientific approach which focuses on identifying the causation of suicide through use of statistics and quantitative methods. Also the interpretivist approach which looks to identify the meanings attached to the action of suicide. For interpretivists, suicide is an interesting topic to study because sociologists can attempt to identify why the individual committed suicide to discover more in-depth meanings through the use of qualitative data. As shown in item A, Durkheim is a positivist sociologist and identified in his research that there are many different social causes which could result in suicide. As well as this, there has been recognised to be certain groups of people who may be more or less likely to commit. For example, Doctors, Dentists and Farmers are placed in the groups whom are most likely to commit suicide due to the fact they have access to the means to physically commit suicide (drugs, medications and shotguns).
Durkheim followed a positivist approach and put forward the idea that suicide is one of the most personal and individual acts a person could carry out, he felt that suicide was mainly caused by social factors. In his research he identified that the different rates of suicide varied amongst different groups of people and also varied between these groups whom were situated in different parts of the world. Durkheim concluded this and explained that the variation in rates of suicide in the country was down to different levels of social integration and regulation. To illustrate this, Catholic societies forbid suicide and class it as a sin; also within a Catholic family members have strong family networks which could explain the low levels of suicide amongst Catholic European countries due to a high