The most key and predominant aspect of More’s Utopian society is the abolishment of private property. This then leads to a battle and debate over the common welfare of the people against their private interests. Raphael and by extension More, feels that society and people in general greatly benefit from the loss of private interests. The general loss of privacy in Utopia leads to a situation in which ‘everyone has an eye on you’ so that the people of Utopia are ‘practically forced to get on’ with their jobs and ‘make some proper use’ of their spare time. This system creates a city in which every single member works and contributes to society in a positive way. Under this arrangement each member is considered equal in that no one man owns greater possessions or property than another.
However while this indeed does benefit society as a whole one must question whether it benefits its members and their own personal happiness. Certainly More’s Utopia benefits its people in a physical way through its equality, free meals and abundance of food however it is their emotional and mental state that comes under scrutiny. The notion that someone is always watching you suggests an almost repressive or tyrannical kind