One reason vaccines should not be administered is because their effectiveness has not been proven. Our modern day “snake oil salesmen” are pushing an elixir that promises a cure for what might ail us. Like their 1800s’ counterparts, the pharmaceutical companies are producing products that are not living up to their hype. The “magic” of vaccines is supposed to work to encourage the immune system to produce antibodies that remember the disease, but not to the extent that it sickens us with the disease that the vaccination was trying to prevent (Cassel, 2006). The theory of saving lives by vaccination would be miraculous if it actually worked out as planned. The problem is that no supporting evidence exists and the reports that contraindicate their effectiveness are even worse; yet mainstream science is choosing to sweep the viable facts under the rug.
Another problem is that vaccine failures are occurring because the antibody produced is not a true antibody (Tenpenny, Vaccine Failures). A common misconception is that when a person receives a vaccination, the developed antibody provides actual immunity from infection (Tenpenny, Vaccine Failures). At best, the vaccine provides a very temporary immunity, but not in enough force to make a difference. The reason boosters are required is that vaccines, like the MMR shot, do not offer life-long immunity as do antibodies achieved through natural immunity (Tenpenny, Saying No to Vaccines). Statistics show that vaccines cannot guarantee immunity from disease, even in children who have been vaccinated against them. In 1995, there was a mumps outbreak in which 53 out of 54 students had received the vaccination and there was no report of failure associated with the vaccine itself (Tenpenny, Vaccine Failures). Tenpenny also chronicled a measles outbreak in 1987 in an American middle school, even though 99 percent of the children were reported to have received the vaccine with no incident (Vaccine Failures). According to an account in October of 2001, a chickenpox outbreak occurred despite the fact that 97 percent of the students had been vaccinated with the varicella vaccine (Tenpenny, Vaccine Failures). Further reports found that multiple failures of the mumps vaccine happened in Russia causing widespread mumps outbreaks from 2002-2004 (Atrasheuskaya, 2007). Shockingly, there was not a single reported instance of the vaccines used in these cases coming from faulty or tainted batches, as one would expect. Vaccines are simply not protecting against disease. Even more puzzling is that the rate of disease is nearly identical for vaccinated and unvaccinated children (Mercola).
Vaccines actually inhibit our cellular immune system’s ability to engage and destroy the disease; they do not prevent the disease (Cassel, 2006). Dr. Joseph Mercola asserts that if vaccines depress our immunity, then vaccines do not benefit our health (Mercola). Rather, our metabolism and body functions are negatively altered due to vaccines (Mercola). Vaccines actually depress the thyroid and modify the immune system for the worse. Additionally, vaccine studies are not conducted in a manner that protect against bias by the examiners. The very authorities who ensure the alleged integrity of the disease statistics have a close working relationship and a marked interest in the corporations that create the vaccines (Tenpenny, Saying no to vaccines). The findings of these authorities report to the FDA as final authority for approval (FDA: Vaccines, Blood and Biologics). The vaccine manufacturing companies and the FDA cannot even assure the general public of the initial reaction to the vaccines and instead they rely on reported adverse reactions after the vaccine is introduced into the general public (FDA: Vaccines, Blood and Biologics). This “Phase 4” stage is where the American general public is used as guinea pigs for the final testing stage of their vaccine. Before vaccines are even proven effective or safe, they are released into the public (FDA: Vaccines, Blood and Biologics). This sort of blatant violation of ethics is not tolerated in other businesses; other industries are required to pass safety checks on their products before release. What check and balance system is in place if the businesses manufacturing the vaccines have the inspectors on payroll? Furthermore, vaccine manufactures can afford to take many risks since they are protected from lawsuits for adverse reactions to their vaccines by the 1986 Vaccine Act. The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (1986) provides vaccine manufactures with a no-fault liability and reduced financial liability of vaccine related injuries or death. With government protection and limited regulation by the FDA, the vaccine manufacturers have unchallenged free reign.
Vaccines also contain many toxic ingredients and carry numerous side effects that can be permanent (International Medical Council on Vaccination, 2011). Some of the most popular components found in vaccinations and their toxicity to the human body are so atrocious, that we should be questioning why such poisons are allowed to be used and injected into our bodies. Aluminum, a common additive, is a poison known to cause degeneration of bone, bone marrow and brain cells (International Medical Council on Vaccination, 2011). Formaldehyde, which is used to embalm corpses, is a carcinogen. MSG (monosodium glutamate) causes seizures, metabolic disturbances like diabetes, and other neurological problems including destruction of brain cells (International Medical Council on Vaccination, 2011). Gelatin from cows and pigs is also added to various vaccines and has been shown to cause anaphylactic reactions (International Medical Council on Vaccination, 2011). Mercury is possibly the worst offending component of the vaccine and has been linked to autism.
Mercury is also one of the most controversial elements in the vaccine debate. Recent press releases from doctors affiliated with vaccine manufactures are denouncing all studies linking mercury in vaccines to autism. However, in her report “Saying No to Vaccines”, Dr. Tenpenny reports that thimerosal aka mercury is a known neurotoxin linked with autism (Tenpenny). According to an article by Donald W. Miller, Jr., MD, “Fifty years ago, when the immunization schedule contained only four vaccines (for diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, and smallpox), autism was virtually unknown. Today, one in every 68 American families has an autistic child (2004).”
Beyond the “acceptable” side effects of routine vaccinations (fever, general malaise, redness/soreness at site of injection), there are much more serious side effects often ignored by doctors who are eager to vaccinate their patients (International Medical Council on Vaccination, 2011). The most noted effects are digestive damage to include kidney failure and acid reflux (Influenza Virus Vaccine, 2009), severe allergic reactions such as hives, anaphylaxis, allergies and eczema (Tenpenny, Saying No to Vaccines), respiratory damage including asthma (Tenpenny, Saying No to Vaccines), and neurological damage such as seizures and epilepsy (Tenpenny, Saying No to Vaccines).
In addition, numerous serious safety risks are involved with vaccinations that range from decreasing your immune system’s effectiveness to death (Tenpenny, Saying No to Vaccines). Decreased immune system diseases such as Guillain-Barre syndrome, Epstein-Barr syndrome and even AIDS can have dangerous effects on our body’s performance (Tenpenny, Saying no to vaccines). Vaccines can cause neurological destruction leading to developmental disorders such as autism, ADHD and dyslexia (Tenpenny, Saying no to vaccines). Then there are the degenerative diseases, for instance, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, leukemia, lupus and cancer (Tenpenny, Saying no to vaccines). The most serious of all side effects is SIDS and death. Although there is no recognized documentation that proves immunizations directly bring about SIDS, no evidence exists that proves that it does not. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) immunization schedule calls for 32 vaccinations in the first 12 months of life. Dr. Viera Schiebner conducted a scientific study of SIDS that monitored “episodes of apnea (cessation of breathing) and hypopnea (abnormally shallow breathing)” before and after DPT vaccinations (Viera Scheibner, 1995). The findings of her study concluded that an outrageous increase of breathing cessation or near cessation occurred after receiving the DPT shots (Viera Scheibner, 1995). Dr. Boyd Haley, Professor and Chair, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Kentucky (2001) avows, “A single vaccine given to a six-pound newborn is the equivalent of giving a 180-pound adult 30 vaccinations on the same day.” Many physicians choose to forego vaccinations for themselves and their children because even they fear the risks mentioned (Mercola).
This information is not intended to undermine the hard-work and efforts of those genuinely seeking to better life for humanity by combating our microscopic enemies. There are many scientists, doctors, and nurses who sacrifice their time and resources to help mankind. However, the facts and statistics of current vaccines cannot be ignored. The unchallenged protection, research and practices of the vaccine manufacturers cannot be ignored. I urge people to do their own research, and to ask for the ingredients in the vaccine they or their children are to receive so they can make a decision based on true informed consent. I advise individuals to consider natural alternative medicine such as homeopathy which also takes viruses and reduces them down to the absolute safest amount for the body in order to combat disease by natural induction into the body. I also encourage people to get daily exercise, to cut down stress levels and to eat right for a healthy, functioning immune system. Finally, I challenge the reader to reflect on this final thought: without an immune system, we would not live very long outside the womb, and if we are injecting our bodies with toxins that weaken our immune systems, vaccines are in fact, the antithesis of good health.
Atrasheuskaya, A. K. (2007). Mumps vaccine failure investigation in Novosibirsk, Russia, 2002-2004. Clinical Microbiology & Infection, 13(7), 670-676.
Cassel, I. (2006, August). Vaccines: How deadly are they? Retrieved February 01, 2001, from
Donald W. Miller, Jr., MD. (2004). A user-friendly vaccination schedule. Retrieved February 17, 2011, from
FDA: Vaccines, Blood and Biologics. (n.d.). Retrieved February 17, 2011, from U.S. Department of Health and Human Services :
Influenza virus vaccine. (2009). Reactions Weekly, 1280. Retrieved February 2, 2011 from EBSCOhost.
International Medical Council on Vaccination. (2011). Vaccines: Get the full story. Retrieved February 02, 2011, from
Mercola, J. (n.d.). Vaccines against natural processes. Retrieved January 31, 2011, from
NCVIA. (1986). Retrieved February 17, 2011, from U.S.Legal:
Tenpenny, S. (n.d.). Saying no to vaccines. Retrieved February 04, 2011, from
Tenpenny, S. (n.d.). Vaccine failures. Retrieved February 01, 2011, from
Viera Scheibner, M. (1995). Review of Vaccination. Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients.
References: Atrasheuskaya, A. K. (2007). Mumps vaccine failure investigation in Novosibirsk, Russia, 2002-2004. Clinical Microbiology & Infection, 13(7), 670-676. Cassel, I. (2006, August). Vaccines: How deadly are they? Retrieved February 01, 2001, from Donald W International Medical Council on Vaccination. (2011). Vaccines: Get the full story. Retrieved February 02, 2011, from Mercola, J NCVIA. (1986). Retrieved February 17, 2011, from U.S.Legal: Tenpenny, S Tenpenny, S. (n.d.). Vaccine failures. Retrieved February 01, 2011, from Viera Scheibner, M